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Meter: d

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Harriet M. Kimball

1834 - 1917 Meter: D Author of "Hark! Eastward And Westward" in The Cyber Hymnal Kimball, Harriet McEwan, a native and resident of Portsmouth, Newhaven, is the author of Hymns, Boston, 1866; Swallow Flights of Song, 1874, &c. Her hymns include:— 1. At times on Tabor's height. Faith and Joy 2. Dear Lord, to Thee alone. Lent. 3. It is an easy thing to say. Humble Service. 4. We have no tears Thou wilt not dry. Affliction. Appeared in the Poets of Portsmouth, 1864, and the Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. In Miss Kimball's Hymns, 1866, this hymn begins with stanza iii. of "Jesus the Ladder of my faith." Several of Miss Kimball's poems were included in Baynes's Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems, 1867. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Kimball, Harriet M., p. 624, ii., b. Nov. 2, 1834, and a Roman Catholic. From her hymn, "Jesus, the Ladder of my faith," p. 624, iii. 3, another cento, beginning "Sweeter to Jesus when on earth/* is taken. It is in The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Harry R. Showalter

1889 - 1992 Meter: D Author of "When God Formed the Earth" Showalter, Harry R. (Cressman, Virginia, August 13, 1889--1992). Mennonite. He was from the Old Order horse and buggy church (Mennonite) in Virginia. He remembered the Sunday when the conservatives went to have services at the Bank meetinghouse and found someone had locked the doors. The group of people met under the trees and the ministers preached from the steps of the meetinghouse. The buggies of the older people were brought up close so that the older people could hear. Harry remembered leaning against a tree during the services. Harry was raised in the Harmonia Sacra tradition of music and singing schools. In Ohio the Old Order Pleasant View Mennonite (Wisler) Church, Columbiana, Ohio (Mahoning County), the young people would meet in the homes on Sunday evenings for singing, the singing of hymns. Harry Showalter would be present along with Ezra Kropp to teach the young people in the rudiments of reading music (shaped notes) and the different aspects of good unaccompanied singing. --Wilmer Swope, 16 August 1992, DNAH Archives. Obituary is also available in the DNAH Archives.

R. Michael Cullinan

b. 1937 Meter: D Author of "On This Night, Most Holy" in The Cyber Hymnal Robert George Cullinan [Michael Cullinan] Born: November 22, 1937, Dear­born, Mi­chi­gan. Cullinan pre­pared for the min­is­try of the Lu­ther­an Church - Mis­sou­ri Synod at Con­co­rdia The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary in Spring­field, Il­li­nois. He was or­dained in 1964, and served par­ish­es both in Os­we­go, Kan­sas, and West­land, Mi­ch­igan. After half a dozen years as a Lu­ther­an pas­tor, he left the par­ish min­is­try to work on a mas­ter’s de­gree in Guid­ance and Coun­sel­ing at Wayne State Un­i­ver­si­ty in De­troit, Mi­ch­igan. He con­tin­ued with post-Mas­ter’s cours­es there, and served on the ac­a­dem­ic fa­cul­ty. Cullinan con­tin­ued to feel drawn to the min­is­try, though, even af­ter a de­cade or so in ac­a­dem­ia. That sense of call­ing and a cer­tain wan­der­lust en­ticed him west, where he joined a small Church of the East mon­as­tery in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia. There he was or­dained as a priest on the Feast of the Dor­mi­tion, Au­gust 15, 1982, and took the re­li­gious name of Mi­chael. That com­mun­i­ty ul­tim­ate­ly dis­band­ed, and sev­er­al years later, Cul­li­nan and other priests or­gan­ized the Ho­ly In­car­na­tion Mon­as­te­ry in Al­pine, Cal­i­for­nia. This small group of bro­thers in­volved it­self in the min­is­try of pray­er and char­it­a­ble serv­ices. Cul­li­nan him­self worked among de­vel­op­ment­al­ly dis­a­bled adults. Af­ter a few years in Al­pine, it be­came evi­dent Cal­i­forn­ia was too ex­pens­ive a place for those few monks to live fru­gal­ly, and the mon­as­tery dis­band­ed. Cullinan stayed in the San Di­e­go area for a cou­ple of years, liv­ing the life of an asce­tic on Mount Pal­o­mar. In 1993, he left for Or­e­gon, where he be­gan work­ing among adults with de­vel­op­ment­al dis­a­bil­i­ties. Dur­ing this time, he wrote sev­er­al hymns while serv­ing as priest for a lo­cal Ang­li­can par­ish.

E. E. Robbins

Meter: D Author of "He Blesses And Saves Me" in The Cyber Hymnal

D. P. White

Meter: D Arranger of "THE AMERICAN STAR"

Becca Whitla

Meter: D Composer of "JOURNEY" in Sing a New Creation

Melvin J. Hill

Meter: D Composer of "LAKE BUENA VISTA" in The Cyber Hymnal 20th Century Hill was evidently living in Detroit, Michigan, in 1905. By 1906, He was in Upland, Indiana. His works include: The King’s Praises, with William Kirkpatrick et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Praise Publishing Company, 1907) The Old Story in Song Number Two, with William Kirkpatrick et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Praise Publishing Company, 1908)

Charles H. Barker

Person Name: C. H. B. Meter: D Author of "Shadows" in Timeless Truths

J. Sala Leland

1871 - 1957 Meter: D Author of "Thank Him for the Sunshine" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: 1871, Penn­syl­van­ia. Died: June 10, 1957, Tem­ple Ci­ty, Los An­ge­les, Cal­i­forn­ia. A grad­u­ate of Adri­an Col­lege and Soule Col­lege, Le­land was or­dained a Meth­od­ist min­is­ter in 1900; as of 1907, he was liv­ing in Un­ion­town, Penn­syl­van­ia. He served church­es in Brad­dock, North Side, Sharps­burg, Waynes­burg, Bea­ver Falls, East Li­berty, and Beech­view, Penn­syl­van­ia. He al­so served as sec­re­ta­ry of the Pitts­burgh Evan­gel­i­cal Con­fer­ence, cir­cu­la­tion man­ag­er for a Meth­od­ist news­pa­per, pre­si­dent of the Meth­od­ist Pro­test­ant Home for the Aged, and state sec­re­ta­ry of the Chris­tian En­dea­vor or­gan­i­za­tion. He re­tired around 1941. Cyber Hymnal


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