Hymnal: Church Book #397 (1890) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O could I find from day to day
A nearness to my God!
Then should my hours glide sweet away,
And lean upon His Word.
2 Lord, I desire with Thee to live
Anew from day to day;
In joys the world can never give,
Nor ever take away.
3 O Jesus, come and rule my heart,
And make me wholly Thine,
That I may never more depart,
Nor grieve Thy love divine.
4 Thus till my last expiring breath
Thy goodness I'll adore;
And when my flesh dissolves in death,
My soul shall love Thee more.
Topics: The Christian Life Holiness; Advent, Fourth Sunday; Easter Season, Fifth Sunday; Sixty Sunday after Trinity; Eighth Sunday after Trinity Languages: English Tune Title: COVENTRY
O could I find from day to day