Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #13 (1845) Meter: First Line: With eye impartial, heav'n's high King Lyrics: 1 With eye impartial, heav'n's high King
Surveys each human tribe;
No earthly pomp his eyes can charm,
Nor wealth his favor bribe.
2 The rich and poor, of equal clay,
His pow'rful hand did frame;
All souls are his, and him alike
Their common Parent claim.
3 Ye sons of men of high degree,
Your great Superior own;
Praise him for all his gifts, and pay
Your homage at his throne.
4 Trust in the Lord, ye humble poor,
And banish ev'ry fear:
The God you serve will ne'er forsake
The man of heart sincere. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
God no Respector of persons