1854 - 1934 Hymnal Number: d9 Author of "Day by day, and with each passing moment" in Norman Clayton's Favorites No. 2 Skoog, Andrew L. (Gunnarskog, Sweden, December 17, 1856 [sic]--October 30, 1934, Minneapolis, Minnesota). Evangelical Covenant. Son of pietists. Tailor's apprentice at 10. Family emigrated to St. Paul, Minn., when Andrew was 13. Only formal music training was 12 lessons on a melodeon. Organist, choir director, and Sunday School superintendent in Swedish Tabernacle, Minneapolis, 1886-1916. Co-editor of hymnals: Evangelii Basun I & II, 1881-1883; Lilla Basunen, 1890; and Jubelklangen, 1896. Was in editorial committee of Covenant's first three hymnals: Sions Basun, 1908; De Ungas Sångbok, 1914; and Mission Hymns, 1921. Editor and publisher of Gittit 1892-1908, a monthly choir journal with music; a series of ten bound volumes of choir selections; and many hymns.
--J. Irving Erickson, DNAH Archives
A. L. Skoog