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Scripture:Psalm 9:9

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To celebrate thy Name, O LORD!

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Lyrics: 1 To celebrate thy Name, O LORD! My Heart and Voice, in one Accord With grateful Joy, I will declare To Men thy Works, which wond'rous are. 2 Thy Thought of them to me shall bring Exalted Pleasure whilst I sing: My thankful Soul shall strive to raise, To thee, my GOD, triumphant Praise. 3 When those who did against me rise, Have fled with Shame, struck with Surprize, Terror shall seize them in their Flight; They fall and perish at thy Sight. 4 Against my Life they strove in vain; For thou didst still my Cause maintain; My Right asserting from thy Throne, Where Justice reigns, and Truth is known. 5 The Insolence of heathen Pride, O GOD of Truth, thou wilt deride; Their Offspring shall be low debas'd, Their Names with Infamy disgrac'd. Part II: 6 Mistaken Foes, your ill Design, Quite vanquish'd, now you must resign; Our City yet remains secure, Altho' you thought its Ruin sure. 7 For GOD, the LORD, entrhon'd on high, Is with impartial Justice nigh: His Judgment-Seat he hath prepar'd; As well to punish as reward. 8 There shall he sit in Righteousness, And ev'ry secret Wrong redress: His Anger will his Foes destroy, His Saints shall still his Smiles enjoy. 9 GOD is a constant sure Defence Against oppressing Insolence; And when our Foes exert their Rage, He will in our Behalf engage. 10 All those who have his Goodness known, Will look for Help to GOD alone; His Mercy never will neglect Those who his holy Name respect. Part III: 11 Oh join your Hearts in one Accord, From Sion's Hill bless ye the LORD: His Deeds throughout the World proclaim, 'Till all revere his holy Name. 12 When he Inquiry makes for Guilt! The Blood of Saints by Sinners spilt; He calls to Mind the Poor distress'd, And all their Wrongs are soon redress'd. 13 Then pity, LORD, my troubled State, Dispel the Grief my Foes create; Thou who dost oft my Pray'r attend, And in Distress Assistance lend. 14 That I in Zion may proclaim Thy Praise to all who love thy Name, And in loud Shouts of grateful Joy, My Heart and Tongue, and Voice employ. 15 Deep in the Pit design'd for me The Heathen Pride shall humbled be; Their Feet insensibly ensnar'd, where they my Ruin had prepar'd. 16 Thus, by his Judgments, GOD is known; All Nations must his Justice own; The Wicked he will low debase, And by their own Designs disgrace. 17 In Hell the Sinner shall be cast, Mid Torments which must ever last: None are by Privacy obscur'd; None shall by Numbers be secur'd. 18 His suff'ring Saints, when most distress'd, Are by his timely Aid redress'd; Tho' for a While in Sorrows drown'd, Their Hope shall with Success be crown'd, 19 Arise, O LORD! to Judgment come, Pronounce the guilty Heathen's Doom; Let not thy Foes thy Saints devour; But crush them by Almighty Pow'r. 20 Strike Terror through the Nations round; The heathen Pride, O LORD! confound; And let them by consenting Fear, No more than mortal Men appear. Topics: Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked; Thanksgivings For Victories Used With Tune: [To celebrate thy name, O Lord]

Sing Praise to God, Whose Mighty Acts

Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944 Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God, whose mighty acts still strong in memory stand to give us hope when evil seems to gain the upper hand. Give thanks for deeds of steadfast love, for wonders new and old: for fire and cloud, for daily food, for mercies yet untold. 2 Though monuments of evil rise in marble, gilt, and stone, time’s search will find their boasts untrue, their makers’ names unknown. Mute avenues of ruins will mark where once proud cities stood, but from destruction God will save the faithful, just, and good. 3 Rise up, O God, reclaim the power usurped by mortal pride, deflate the hollow pomp of those whom rank and titles hide. Let not the needy cry unheard, the suffering hope in vain; restore the fallen, bless the meek, till peace and justice reign. Topics: Acrostic Psalms; Biblical Names and Places; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Enemies; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God as Judge; God's Sovereignty; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; Grace; Gratitude; Justice; Lament General; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; People of God / Church Suffering; Poverty; Prayer; Seeking God; The Creation; The Needy; Trust; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday) Used With Tune: SALVATION

O God, Our Creator, You Work Every Day

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9 Lyrics: O God, our Creator, you work every day: A potter, you form us, your people, like clay. A shepherd, you guide us and seek out the lost. A parent, you love us, not counting the cost. Christ Jesus, how rough were your hard-working hands! You labored among us; our God understands! Bless workers who struggle, their families to feed; Bless those who face hardship, oppression, or greed. Lord, some live among us who need constant care, Whose work is to make us more humbly aware. They teach us the best of your lessons, by far: It’s not what we do, Lord, you love who we are! We’re baptized! Your Spirit gives new work to do, That we, through our serving, may glorify you. Each person’s vocation, each calling, has worth As you send us out to bring Christ’s love on earth. Topics: Call/Vocation; Grace of God; Nation/National Holidays Used With Tune: ST. DENIO
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Confitebor tibi Dom

Author: T. S. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 First Line: With heart & mouth unto the Lord Lyrics: 1 With heart & mouth unto the Lord will I sing laud and praise: And speak of all thy wondrous works, and them declare alwaies. 2 I will be glad and much rejoyce, in thee O God most hie: And make my songs extoll thy Name above the starie skie. 3 For that my foes are driven back, and turned unto flight: they fall down flat and are destroid by thy great power and might. 4 Thou hast revenged all my wrong, my griefe and all my grudge: Thou dost with justice heare my cause most like a righteouss Judge. 5 Thou dost rebuke the heathen folk, and wicked so confound: That afterward the memory of them cannot be found. 6 My foes thou hast made good dispatch, and all their towns destroid: Thou hast their fame with them defaced, through ll the world so wide. 7 Know thou that he which is above for evermoere shall raigne, And in the seat of equity true judgement will maintaine. 8 With justice he will keep and guide the world and every wight: And so will yeeld with equity to every man his right. 9 He is protector of the poore, what time they be opprest: He is in all adversity their refuge and their rest. 10 All they that know thy holy Name therefore shall trust in thee: For thou forsakest not their suit in their necessity. The second Part: 11 Sing Psalmes therfore unto the Lord, that dwels in Sion hill: Puglish among all nations, his noble acts and will. 12 For he is mindfull of the blood of those that be opprest: forgetting not th'afflicted heart that seeks to him for rest. 13 Have mercy Lord on me pore wretch whose enemies still remaine: Which from the gates of death art wont, to raise me up againe. 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy praise with heart and voice: And that in thy salvation Lord, my soule might still rejoyce. 15 The heathen stick fast in the pit that they themselves prepar'd: And in the net that they did set, their own feet fast are snar'd. 16 God shews his judgements which were good for every man to mark: When as ye see the wicked man lie trap'd in his own wark. 17 The wicked and deceitfull men go down to hell for ever: And all the people of the world that will not God remember. 18 But sure the Lord will not forget the poore mans griefe and paine The patient people never look for help of God in vaine. 19 O Lord arise lest men prevaile that be of worldly might: And let the heathen folk receive their judgment in thy sight. 20 Lord strike such terror feare and dread into the hearts of them: That they may know assuredly, they be but mortall men.
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I'll Praise My Maker While I've Breath

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748); John Wesley (1703-1791) Meter: Appears in 528 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Lyrics: 1 I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath, and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my nobler powers; my days of praise shall ne’er be past while life and thought and being last, or immortality endures. 2 Happy are they whose hopes rely on Israel's God; who made the sky and earth and seas, with all their train; whose truth for ever stands secure, who saves the oppressed, who feeds the poor, whose promise none shall trust in vain. 3 The Lord pours eyesight on the blind; the Lord supports the fainting mind; and sends the labouring conscience peace. God helps the stranger in distress, the widow and the fatherless, and grants the prisoner sweet release. 4 I’ll praise God while I'm granted breath; and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my nobler powers; my days of praise shall ne'er be past, while life and thought and being last, or immortality endures. Topics: Justice; Praise of God; Psalm 146 Used With Tune: NASHVILLE
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God our Refuge

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Meter: Appears in 464 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9-10 First Line: God is the refuge of his saints Topics: Afflictions Refuge in; God Refuge; Hope In God; Promises; Saints Security of; Word of God Used With Tune: WARD

Dear Refuge of my Weary Soul

Author: A. Steele Meter: Appears in 362 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9 Topics: Prayer and Worship; Refuge; Sorrow and Affliction Used With Tune: ST. AGNES
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His Way with Thee

Author: C. S. N. Appears in 241 hymnals Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good Refrain First Line: His power can make you what you ought to be Used With Tune: [Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good]

God of Grace and God of Glory

Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878-1969 Meter: with repeat Appears in 156 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Topics: Justice; Kingdom; Nation and City; Peace Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA
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Lord, at thy temple we appear

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 76 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:1-11 Lyrics: Lord, at thy temple we appear, As happy Simeon came, And hope to meet our Savior here; O make our joys the same! With what divine and vast delight The good old man was filled, When fondly in his withered arms He clasped the holy child! "Now I can leave this world," he cried, "Behold, thy servant dies; I've seen thy great salvation, Lord, And close my peaceful eyes. "This is the light prepared to shine Upon the Gentile lands, Thine Isr'el's glory, and their hope To break their slavish bands." [Jesus! the vision of thy face Hath overpowering charms; Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace, If Christ be in my arms. Then while ye hear my heart-strings breuk, How sweet my minutes roll! A mortal paleness on my cheek, And glory in my soul.]


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