Hymnal: Appendix, Containing a Number of Hymns Taken Chiefly from Dr. Watts's Scriptural Collection #XCIX (1765) Scripture: Psalm 9 Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims
His various, and his saving Names;
O may they not be heard alone,
But by our sure Experience known!
2 The great Jehovah be ador'd,
Th' Eternal, All-sufficient Lord,
He thro' the World most high confess'd,
By whom 'twas form'd, and is possess'd.
3 Awake, our noblest Pow'rs, to bless
The God of Abr'am, God of Peace;
Now by a dearer Title known,
Father and God of Christ his son.
4 Thro' ev'ry Age his gracious Ear
Is open to his Servants Prayer;
Nor can one humble Soul complain,
That he hath fought his God in vain.
5 What unbelieving Heart shall dare
In Whispers to suggest a Fear,
While still he owns his antient Name?
The same his Pow'r, his Love the same!
6 To Thee our Souls in Faith arise,
To Thee we lift expecting Eyes;
And boldly thro' the Desart tread:
For God will guard, where God shall lead. Languages: English
Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims