Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 85 Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast granted to thy Land
the Favours we implor'd,
And faithful Jacob's captive Race
most graciously restor'd.
2,3 Thy People's sins thou hast absolv'd,
and all their Guilt defac'd:
Thou hast not let thy Wrath flame on,
nor thy fierce Anger last.
4 O God our Saviour, all our Hearts
to thy Obedience turn;
That quench'd with our repenting Tears,
thy Wrath no more may burn.
5,6 For why should'st thou be angry still,
and Wrath so long retain
Revive us, Lord, and let thy Saints
thy wonted Comfort gain.
7 Thy gracious Favour, Lord, display,
which we have long implor'd;
And for thy wond'rous Mercy's sake,
thy wonted Aid afford.
8 God's Answer patiently I'll wait;
for he, with glad Success,
(If they no more to Folly turn)
his mourning Saints will bless.
9 To all that fear his holy Name,
his sure Salvation's near;
And in its former happy State
our Nation shall appear.
10 For Mercy now with Truth is join'd;
and Righteousness with Peace,
Like kind companions absent long,
with friendly Arms embrace.
11,12 Truth from the Earth shall spring whilst Heav'n
shall Streams of Justice pour;
And God, from whom all Goodness flows,
shall endless Plenty show'r.
13 Before him Righteousness shall march,
and his just Paths prepare;
Whilst w his holy Steps pursue
with constant Zeal and Care.
Lord, thou hast granted to thy Land