Author: Robert Campbell Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8375 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lamb, whose blood for all men streamed,
Light, that shone ere morning beamed,
God and God’s eternal Son,
Ever with the Father one;
2 Splendor of the Father’s light,
Star of hope for ever bright,
Hearken to the prayers that flow
From Thy servants here below.
3 Lord, remember that in love
Thou didst leave Thy throne above,
Man’s frail nature to assume
In the holy virgin’s womb.
4 Now Thy Church, each circling year,
Celebrates that love so dear;
Love that brought Thee here alone,
For the guilty to atone.
5 Let not earth alone rejoice,
Seas and skies unite their voice
In a new song, to the morn
When the Lord of life was born.
6 Ransomed by the holy tide
Shed from Thy most precious side,
Joyful let us hail the morn
When the Lord of life was born.
7 Virgin-born, to Thee be praise,
Now and through eternal days;
Father, equal praise to Thee,
With the Spirit, ever be. Languages: English Tune Title: YARBROUGH
Lamb, Whose Blood For All Men Streamed