Hymnal: Voices of Praise #139 (1883) Lyrics: 1 Jesus, when He left the sky,
And for sinners came to die,
In His mercy passed not by
Little ones like me.
2 Mothers then the Saviour sought
In the places where He taught,
And to Him their children brought--
Little ones like me.
3 Did the Saviour say them nay?
No, He kindly bade them stay;
Suffered none to turn away
Little ones like me.
4 'Twas for them His life He gave,
To redeem them from the grave;
Jesus able is to save
Little ones like me.
5 Children, then, should love Him too,
Strive His holy will to do.
Pray too Him, and praise Him too--
Little ones like me.
Amen. Topics: Redemption; Hymns for Little Children Languages: English Tune Title: S. RAPHAEL
Jesus, when He left the sky