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Hymnal, Number:lv1898

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"Father, Lead Us"

Author: Alice Jean Cleator Hymnal: LV1898 #201 (1898) First Line: O Father lead us Refrain First Line: Fears oft affright us! Lyrics: 1 O Father lead us Gently by the hand, Through sun and shadow Of the future land! Dim and untravel'd Lies the way before: O Father, lead us, Lead us evermore! Chorus: Fears oft affright us! Doubtings walk before! O heav'nly Father lead us, Now and evermore. 2 When we would falter Or when we would stray, O Father, lead us All along our way! Help us to ever Closer walk to Thee, Thro' ways of darkness Where we cannot see! [Chorus] Topics: Children's Day Languages: English Tune Title: [O Father lead us]
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Glory to God in the Highest

Author: Mrs. Harriet E. Jones Hymnal: LV1898 #202 (1898) First Line: Now let us sing the song again Lyrics: 1 Now let us sing the song again Heard by the shepherds long ago; The joyful song, the angel strain: Peace and good-will to men below. Chorus: Glory to God in the highest, Glory to God in the highest, Glory to God in the highest, Sing it, O sing it again, Glory to God in the highest, Peace and good-will to men. 2 O sing of Him in joyful way, Who first appeared within the stall; O chant His praise aloud today, He came because He loved us all. [Chorus] 3 He came to wash away our sin, He came to set the captive free, He came to gather wand'rers in, To save and bless us gloriously. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Now let us sing the song again]
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Ring Out the News

Author: Geo. C. Hugg Hymnal: LV1898 #203 (1898) First Line: Sweet bells ring on your Christmas song Refrain First Line: Ring on, ring on Lyrics: 1 Sweet bells ring on your Christmas song, The old, old story telling, Of angels bright on plains of light, And heav'nly chorus swelling. Chorus: Ring on, ring on, ye blessed Christmas bells ring on, Spread forth the news that Christ is born On this sweet Christmas morn. 2 Ring "peace on earth, good-will to men," Dear Day-spring of salvation; Ring near and far, o'er moor and fen, Ring joy to ev'ry nation. [Chorus] 3 Ring Christ is born, on this sweet morn, A babe in lowly manger; While angel throng, with song up-borne, Proclaim the newborn Stranger. [Chorus] 4 Ring out salvation full and free, To ev'ry clime and nation, Ring out the news to land and sea, Glad tidings of salvation. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Sweet bells ring on your Christmas song]
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The Blessed Story

Author: Adam Geibel Hymnal: LV1898 #204 (1898) First Line: Sing, O sing the blessed story Refrain First Line: Ring, ring, happy Christmas bells Lyrics: 1 Sing, O sing the blessed story, Christ the Lord is born in glory: Christmas morn dark night dispels, Ring o'er all the world the bells. Chorus: Ring, ring, happy Christmas bells, O'er all the world your music swells; Ring, ring on this blessed morn, For Christ the Lord is born. Sing, sing, glory be to God, On earth goodwill and peace to men: Glory be to God on high, Christ is born in Bethlehem. 2 Sing, O sing the blessed story, Christ the Lord is born in glory: We our glad hosannas sing, Let the bells a chorus ring. [Chorus] 3 Sing, O sing the blessed story, Christ the Lord is born in glory: Born His people to redeem, Ring ye bells the glorious theme. [Chorus] 4 Sing, O sing the blessed story, Christ the Lord is born in glory: Now is man from sin set free, Ring ye bells o'er land and sea. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Sing, O sing the blessed story]
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Christ is Born in Bethlehem

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: LV1898 #206 (1898) First Line: Hark! the herald angels sing Refrain First Line: O Bethlehem, dear Bethlehem Lyrics: 1 Hark! the herald angels sing: Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful all ye nations rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With th' angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Chorus: O Bethlehem, dear Bethlehem, Hark how the glad notes ring! Hosanna in the highest, Exalt the newborn King! The angel throng His praise prolong, Glory to God they sing, While heav'n and earth proclaim the birth Of Christ, the newborn King! 2 Christ, by highest heav'n adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord; Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of the Virgin's womb, Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail th' incarnate Deity: Pleased as Man with men to dwell; Jesus our Emmanuel! [Chorus] 3 Hail, the heav'n-born Prince of Peace, Hail, the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Ris'n with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die: Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Hark! the herald angels sing]
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O Lovely Star

Author: Adam Geibel Hymnal: LV1898 #208 (1898) First Line: O lovely star in heav'n so bright Refrain First Line: O Star divine, shed on us here Lyrics: 1 O lovely star in heav'n so bright, That guides the shepherds thro' the night To where the blessed Saviour lay, In Bethlehem's manger far away. Chorus: O Star divine, shed on us here Thy beams of love and Christmas cheer, And angels sing the song again Of peace on earth, goodwill to men. 2 O lovely star, direct our feet, That we may haste our Lord to greet; And gather 'round like Magi old, Or shepherds, hast'ning from the fold. [Chorus] 3 O Star divine illume our way, That we may gain eternal day, And live while endless ages roll, Safe sheltered in Thy heav'nly fold. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [O lovely star in heav'n so bright]
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Hark the Bells

Author: Ida L. Reed Hymnal: LV1898 #209 (1898) First Line: Hark the bells, I hear them chiming Refrain First Line: Peace, good-will, the bells are chiming Lyrics: 1 Hark the bells, I hear them chiming, Clear and sweet o'er sea and land, Once again the angel's message, May it reach to ev'ryland. Chorus: Peace, good-will, the bells are chiming, Hark the music soft and low, Pealing out the old, sweet story, As they're swinging to and fro. 2 Unto earth is born a Saviour, Now methinks I hear the strain, As the silver tones are ringing, Merrily the glad refrain. [Chorus] 3 Happy bells, I love to hear them, Ringing out the old, sweet song, Glory in the highest, glory, Let all tongues the strain prolong. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Hark the bells, I hear them chiming]
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Hail the Glad Day

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #210 (1898) First Line: The buds and flow'rs to life are waking Refrain First Line: Christ now is risen Lyrics: 1 The buds and flow'rs to life are waking, And forest songsters singing, While children bright, all gloom forsaking, Send forth their carols ringing! All glory to the Lamb we render, The Prince of Life and glory; We praise His name in strains so tender, And herald the old story. Chorus: Christ now is risen, Mighty to save! Burst is the prison, And conquered the grave! Shout, shout the tidings, O'er land and sea! Jesus is risen! And man now is free. 2 Each heart today with joy is beaming, The air is fill'd with gladness, While peace and love their rays are streaming, Dispelling thoughts of sadness, The earth from sleep now wakes in beauty, Arrayed in spring garb vernal, Reminding us that after duty, Our joys shall be eternal. [Chorus] 3 As flow'rs and buds were seen appearing, Upon the rod of Aaron, So from the tomb, all ages cheering, Appeared the rose of Sharon, Think of One flower to Mortals given, When earth her forces rally, The fairest flow'r in earth or heaven, The Lily of the Valley. [Chorus] 4 Today as round the tomb we linger, We find our faith grows brighter, Hope points the way with index finger, While Love makes duty lighter, When with the last great foe we've striven, We shall not sleep forever, But rise to live with Christ in heaven, Where death will enter never. [Chorus] Topics: Easter Languages: English Tune Title: [The buds and flow'rs to life are waking]
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He Arose

Author: Geo. C. Hugg Hymnal: LV1898 #212 (1898) First Line: Lowly entombed He lay Refrain First Line: Up from the tomb He arose! Lyrics: 1 Lowly entombed He lay, My blessed Saviour; Waiting the promised day, My precious Lord. Chorus: Up from the tomb He arose! And in triumph, vanquish'd all His foes, He arose a victor o'er the realms of night; And He reigns forever with His saints in light, He arose, He arose, Victor over all His foes. 2 Vainly they watch Him, now, My blessed Saviour; Surely He'll keep His vow, My precious Lord. [Chorus] 3 Bursting the seal, He rose, My blessed Saviour; Scattering His armed foes, My precious Lord. [Chorus] Topics: Easter Languages: English Tune Title: [Lowly entombed He lay]
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Easter Bells

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #213 (1898) First Line: Loudly, loudly, Easter bells are ringing Lyrics: 1 Loudly, loudly, Easter bells are ringing, Gladly, gladly, happy voices singing, Christ the Lord is risen, From His gloomy prison, Glory to His holy name; Ringing, ringing, keep the joy bells ringing, Gladly, gladly, voices join in singing, Blessed tribute bringing, Upward songs are winging, On this happy Easter day. 2 Praise Him, praise Him, while the bells are ringing, Glory, glory, may each heart keep singing, Tho' the grave infold Him, Yet it could not hold Him, Laud and magnify His name; Harken, harken, clear the bells are ringing, Join them, join them, hearts and voices singing, To the Saviour clinging, Now with joy upspringing, Praise Him on this Easter day. 3 Once more, once more, set the bells to ringing, Louder, louder, may each voice keep singing, Swell the blessed story, Jesus lives in glory, Blessed be His holy name; Praise Him, praise Him, while the bells are ringing, Glad news, glad news, ev'rywhere keep singing, Heaven's gates are swinging, Angels join in singing, Praises on this Easter day. Topics: Easter Languages: English Tune Title: [Loudly, loudly, Easter bells are ringing]


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