Author: Rev. J. Ellerton Hymnal: The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892 #173 (1894) Meter: 8.7 Lyrics: 1 Thou Who sentest Thine apostles
Two by two before Thy face,
Partners in the night of toiling,
Heirs together of Thy grace,
Throned at length, their labors ended,
Each in his appointed place;
2 Praise to Thee for those Thy champions
Whom our hymns to-day proclaim;
One, whose zeal by Thee enlightened
Burned anew with nobler flame;
One, the kinsman of Thy childhood,
Brought at last to know Thy Name.
3 Praise to Thee! Thy fire within them
Spake in love, and wrought in power;
Seen in mighty stars and wonders
In Thy Church's mourning hour;
Heard in tones of sternest warning
When the storms began to lower.
4 Once again those storms are breaking;
Hearts are failing, love grows cold;
Faith is darkened, sin abounding;
Grievous wolves assail Thy fold:
Save us, Lord, our one Salvation;
Save the faith revealed of old.
5 Call the erring by Thy pity;
Warn the tempted by Thy fear;
Keep us true to Thine allegiance,
Counting life itself less dear;
Standing firmer, holding faster,
As we see the end draw near:
6 Till with holy Jude and Simon
And the thousand faithful more,
We, the good confession witnessed
And the lifelong conflict o'er,
On the sea of fire and crystal
Stand, and wonder, and adore.
Topics: Other Feasts and Fasts St. Simon and St. Jude Languages: English Tune Title: [Thou Who sentest Thine apostles]
Thou Who sentest Thine apostles