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Hymnal, Number:pdil1740

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Christ's All-sufficeincy

Appears in 29 hymnals First Line: How fast their Guilt and Sorrows rise Lyrics: Second Part: 1 How fast their Guilt and Sorrows rise, Who haste to seek some Idol-God! I will not taste their Sacrifice, Their Off'rings of forbidden Blood. 2 My GOD provides a richer Cup; And nobler Food to live upon; He for my Life has offer'd up JESUS, his best-beloved Son. 3 His Love is my perpetual feast; By Day his Counsels guide me right; And be his Name for ever blessed, Who gives me sweet Advice by Night. 4 I set him still before mine Eyes; At my Right-Hand he stands prepar'd, To keep my Soul from all Surprize, And be my everlasting Guard. Topics: Christ his death and resurrection; Christ the second Adam, his Incarnation, his Dominion, his All-Suffiecincy; Comfort and support in God; Confession of our poverty; Counsel and Support from God; Courage in death; Death courage in it; God all-sufficient; Good works profit Men, not God; Grace without merit; Hope of resurrection; Idolatry reproved; Merit disclaimed; Poverty confessed; Resurrection of the saints; Saints the best company Scripture: Psalm 16
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The Conqueror's Song

Appears in 35 hymnals First Line: To thine Almighty Arm we owe Lyrics: 1 To thine Almighty Arm we owe The Triumph of the Day; Thy Terrors, Lord, confound the Foe, And melt their Strength away. 2 'Tis by thine Aid our Troops prevail, And break united Pow'rs, Or burn their boasted Fleets, or scale The proudest of their Tow'rs. 3 How have we chas'd them thro' the Field, And trod them to the Ground; While thy Salvation was our Shield, But they no Shelter found! 4 In vain to idol Saints they cry, And perish in their Blood; Where is a Rock so great, so high, So pow'rful as our GOD? 5 The Rock of Israel ever lives, His Name be ever blest; 'Tis his own Arm the Vict'ry gives, And gives his People Rest. 6 On Kings that reign as David did, He pours his Blessings down; Secures their Honours to their Seed, And well supports the Crown. Topics: Defense and Salvation in God; Delight and Safety in Church; Deliverance from despair; Deliverance from Temptations; Enemies overcome; Evidence of Sincerity; Obedience sincere; Praise for Temptaions overcome; Praise for victory in war; Psalm for soldiers; Salvation and triumph; Sincerity proved and rewarded; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Triumph for salvation; Victory over temporal enemies; Victory over temptations; War spiritual; War victory Scripture: Psalm 18
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The Sufferings and Death of Christ

Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: Why has my God my Soul forsook Lyrics: 1 Why has my God my Soul forsook, Nor will a Smile afford? (Thus David once in Anguish spoke, And thus our dying Lord.) 2 Though 'tis thy chief Delight to dwell Among thy praising Saints, Yet thou canst hear a Groan as well, And pity our Complaints. 3 Our fathers trusted in thy Name, And great Deliv'rance found; But I'm a Worm despis'd of Men, And trodden to the Ground. 4 Shaking the Head they pass me by, And laugh my Soul to Scorn; "In vain he trusts in God, they cry, "Neglected and forlorn." 5 But thou art He who form'd my Flesh By thine Almighty Word, And since I hung upon the Breast, My Hope is in the Lord. 6 Why will my Father hide his Face When Foes stand threat'ning round In the dark Hour of deep Distress, And not an Helper found? Pause. 7 Behold thy Darling left among The Cruel and the Proud, As Bulls of Bashan fierce and strong, As Lions roaring loud. 8 From Earth and Hell my Sorrows meet To multiply the Smart; They nail my Hands, they pierce my Feet, And try to vex my Heart. 9 Yet if thy Sov'reign Hand let loose The Rage of Earth and Hell, Why will my heav'nly Father bruise The Son he loves so well? 10 My GOD, if possible it be, With-hold this bitter Cup: But I resign my Will to Thee, And drink the Sorrows up. 11 My Heart dissolves with Pangs unknown, In Groans I waste my Breath; Thy heavy Hand has brought me down Low as the Dust of Death. 12 Father, I give my Spirit up, And trust it in thy Hand; My dying Flesh shall rest in Hope, And rise at thy Command. Topics: Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Gentiles given to Christ Scripture: Psalm 22:1-16
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The Saint Happy, the Sinner Miserable

Appears in 117 hymnals First Line: The Man is ever blest Lyrics: 1 The Man is ever blest Who shuns the Sinners Ways, Among their Counsels never stands, Nor takes the Scorner's Place. 2 But makes the Law of God His Study and Delight, Amidst the Labours of the Day, And Watches of the Night. 3 He like a Tree shall thrive, With Waters near the Root: Fresh as the Leaf his Name shall live His Works are heav'nly Fruit. 4 Not so th' ungoldy Race, They no such Blessings find; Their Hopes shall flee like empty Chaff Before the driving Wind. 5 How will they bear to stand Before that Judgement-Seat, Where all the Saints at Christ's Right-Hand in full Assembly meet? 6 He knows, and he approves The Ways the Righteous go; But Sinners and their Works shall meet A dreadful Overthrow. Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; End of Righteous and Wicked; Happy Saint and cursed Sinner; Judgment day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Meditation; Saints and Sinners End; Saints and Sinners Portion Scripture: Psalm 1
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The Book of Nature and Scripture

Appears in 79 hymnals First Line: Great God, the Heav'n's well order'd Frame Lyrics: 1 Great God, the Heav'n's well order'd Frame Declares the Glories of thy Name: There thy rich Works of Wonder shine. A thousand starry Beauties there, A thousand radiant Marks appear Of boundless Pow'r and Skill divine. 2 From Might to Day, from Day to Night, The dawning and the dying Light Lectures of heav'nly Wisdom read; With silent Eloquence they raise Our Thoughts to our Creator's Praise, And neither Sound nor Language need. 3 Yet their divine Instructions run Far as the Journeys of the Sun, And every Nation knows their Voice: The Sun, like some young Bridegroom drest, Breaks from the Chambers of the East, Rolls round, and makes the Earth rejoice. 4 Where'er he spreads his Beams abroad, He smiles, and speaks his Maker GOD; All Nature joins to shew thy Praise: Thus GOD in every Creature shines; Fair is the Book of Nature's Lines, But fairer is the Book of Grace. Pause 5 I love the Volumes of thy Word; What Light and Joy those Leaves afford To Souls benighted and distrest! Thy Precepts guide my doubtful Way, Thy Fear forbids my feet to stray, Thy Promise leads my Heart to Rest. 6 From the Discov'ries of thy Law The perfect Rules of Life I draw; These are my Study and Delight: Not Honey so invites the Taste, Nor Gold that hath the Furnace past Appears so pleasing to the Sight. 7 Thy Threat'nings wake my slumb'ring Eyes, And warn me where my Danger lies; But 'tis thy blessed Gospel, Lord, That makes my guilty Conscience clean, Converts my Soul, subdues my Sin, And gives a free, but large Reward. 8 Who knows the Errors of his Thoughts? My GOD, forgive my secret Faults, And from presumptuous Sins restrain; Accept my poor Attempts of Praise, That I have read thy Book of Grace, And Book of Nature not in vain. Topics: Book of Nature and Scripture; Evidence of Sincerity; Fear in the Worship of God; Gospel its glory and success; Knowledge deferred; Lord's Day Morning; Sincerity; Watchfulness; Works and grace Scripture: Psalm 19
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Distress of Soul; or, Backsliding and Desertion

Appears in 117 hymnals First Line: Mine Eyes and my Desire Lyrics: 1 Mine Eyes and my Desire Are ever to the Lord; I love to plead his Promises, And rest upon his Word. 2 Turn, turn thee to my Soul, Bring thy Salvation near; When will thy Hand release my Feet Out of the deadly Snare? 3 When shall the Sov'reign Grace Of my forgiving God, Restore me from those dang'rous Ways My wand'ring Feet have trod! 4 The Tumult of my Thoughts Doth but enlarge my Woe; My Spirit languishes, my Heart Is desolate and low. 5 With every Morning Light My Sorrow new begins; Look on my Anguish and my Pain, And pardon all my Sins. Pause. 6 Behold the Hosts of Hell, How cruel is their Hate? Against my Life they rise, and join Their Fury with Deceit. 7 O keep my Soul from Death, Nor put my Hope to Shame; For I have plac'd my only Trust In my Redeemer's Name. 8 With humble Faith I wait To see thy Face again; Of Isr'el it shall ne'er be said, He sought the Lord in vain. Topics: Backsliding soul in distress and desertion; Desertion and Distress of Soul; Direction and pardon; Instruction from God; Waiting for pardon and direction Scripture: Psalm 25:15-22
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Sick-bed Devotion or, Pleading without Repining

Appears in 98 hymnals First Line: God of my Life, look gently down Lyrics: 1 God of my Life look gently down, Behold the Pains I feel. But I am dumb before thy Throne, Nor dare dispute thy Will. 2 Diseases are thy Servants, Lord, They come at thy Command; I'll not attempt a murm'ring Word, Against thy chast'ning Hand. 3 Yet I may plead with humble Cries, Remove thy sharp Rebukes; My Strength consumes, my Spirit dies, Through thy repeated Strokes. 4 Crush'd as a Moth beneath thy Hand, We moulder to the Dust; Our feeble Pow'rs can ne'er withstand, And all our Beauty's lost. 5 [This mortal Life decays apace, How soon the Bubble's broke! Adam and all his num'rous Race Are Vanity and Smoke.] 6 I'm but a Sojourner below, As all my Fathers were; May I be well prepar'd to go, When I the Summons hear! 7 But if my Life be spar'd a while, Before my last Remove, Thy Praise shall be my Business still, And I'll declare thy Love. Topics: Health prayed for; Mortality of man; Patience under afflictions; Pleading without repining; Prudence and Zeal; Resignation; Submission to sickness; Tongue governed; Vanity of Man as mortal; Zeal and Prudence Scripture: Psalm 39:9-13
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The last Judgment

Appears in 71 hymnals First Line: The God of Glory sends his Summons forth Lyrics: 1 The God of Glory sends his Summons forth, Calls the South Nations and awakes the North; From East to West the sov'reign Orders spread, Thro' distant Worlds and Regions of the Dead/ The Trumpet sounds; Hell trembles; Heaven rejoices; Lift up your Heads, ye Saints, with chearful Voices. 2 No more shall Atheists mock his long Delay; His Vengeance sleeps no more; behold the Day: Behold, the Judge descends; his Guards are nigh; Tempests and Fire attend him down the Sky. When God appears, all Nature shall adore him; While Sinners tremble, Saints rejoice before him. 3 "Heav'n, Earth, and Hell, draw near; let all Things come "To hear my Justice, and the Sinner's Doom; "But gather first my Saints, (the Judge commands) "Bring them, ye Angels, from their distant Lands. When Christ returns, wake every chearful Passion; And shout, ye Saints; he comes for your Salvation. 4 "Behold, my Cov'nant stands for ever good, "Seal'd by th' eternal Sacrifice in Blood, "And sign'd with all their Names; the Greek, the Jew, "That paid the ancient Worship, or the new. There's no Distinction here; join all your Voices, And raise you Heads, ye Saints, for Heav'n rejoices. 5 "Here (saith the Lord) ye Angels, spread their Thrones "And near me seat my Fav'rites and my Sons. "Come, my Redeem'd, possess the Joys prepar'd "E'er Time began; 'tis your divine Reward. When Christ returns, wake every chearful Passion; And shout, ye Saints; he comes for your Salvation. Pause. 6 "I am the Saviour, I th' Almighty GOD, "I am the Judge: Ye Heav'ns proclaim abroad "My just eternal Sentence, and declare "Those awful Truths that Sinners dread to hear. When GOD appears, all Nature shall adore him; While Sinners tremble, Saints rejoice before him. 7 "Stand forth, thou bold Blasphemer & Profane, "Now feel my Wrath, nor call my Threatnings vain: "Thou Hypocrite, once drest in Saint's Attire, "I doom the painted Hypocrite to Fire. Judgment proceeds; Hell trembles; Heav'n rejoices; Lift up your Heads, ye Saints, with chearful Voices. 8 "Not for the Want of Goats or Bullocks slain "Do I condemn thee; Bulls and Goats are vain "Without the Flame of Love; in vain the Store Of brutal Off'rings that were mine before. Earth is the Lord's, all Nature shall adore him; While Sinners tremble, Saints rejoice before him. 9 "If I were hungry, would I ask thee food? "When did I thirst, or drink thy Bullocks Blood? Mine are the tamer Beasts and savage Breed, "Flocks, Herds, and Fields, and Forests where they feed. All is the Lord's, he rules the wide Creation; Gives Sinners Vengeance, and the Saints Salvation. 10 "Can I be flatter'd with thy cringing Bows, "Thy solemn Chatt'rings and fantastic Vows? "Are my Eyes charm'd thy Vestments to behold "Glaring in Bems, and gay in woven Gold? God is the Judge of Hearts, no fair Disguises Can screen the Guilty, when his Vengeance rises. Pause. 11 "Unthinking Wretch! how could'st thou hope to please "A GOD, a Spirit, with such Toys as these? "While with my Grace and Statutes on thy Tongue, "Thou lov'st Deceit, and dost thy Brother wrong; Judgment proceeds; Hell trembles; Heav'n rejoices; Lift up your Heads, ye Saints, with chearful Voices. 12 "In vain to pious Forms thy Zeal pretends, "Thieves & Adult'rers are thy chosen Friends; "While the false Flatt'rer at my Altar waits, "His harden'd Soul divine Instruction hates. God is the Judge of Hearts, no fair Disguises Can screen the Guilty when his Vengeance rises. 13 "Silent I waited with long-suffering Love; "But didst thou hope that I should ne'er reprove? "And cherish such an impious Thought within, "That the All-holy would indulge thy Sin? See, God appears, all Nature joins t' adore him; Judgment proceeds, and Sinners fall before him. 14 "Behold my Terrors now; my Thunders roll, "And thy own Crimes affright thy guilty Soul. "Now like a Lion shall my Vengeance tear "Thy bleeding Heart, and no Deliv'rer near." Judgment concludes; Hell trembles; Heav'n rejoices; Lift up your Heads, ye Saints, with chearful Voices. Epiphonema. Sinners, awake betimes; ye Fools, be wise; Awake before this dreadful Morning rise, Change your vain Thoughts, your crooked Works amend, Fly to the Saviour, make the Judge your Friend. Then join the Saints; Wake ev'ry chearful Passion; When Christ returns, he comes for your Salvation. Topics: Formal worship; God the judge; Hypocrites and hypocrisy; Judgment Day; Obedience better than sacrifice; Profession false; Saints Reward at last; Sin of Tongue Scripture: Psalm 50
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The Backslider restored; or, Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Christ

Appears in 342 hymnals First Line: O Thou that hear'st when Sinners cry Lyrics: 1 O Thou that hear'st when Sinners cry, Tho' all my Crimes before Thee lie, Behold them not with angry Look, But blot their Mem'ry from thy Book. 2 Create my Nature pure within, And form my Soul averse to Sin: Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy Presence from my Heart. 3 I cannot live without thy Light, Cast out and banished from thy Sight: Thine holy Joys my GOD restore, And guard me that I fall no more. 4 Though I have griev'd thy Spirit, Lord, Thy Help and Comfort still afford; And let a Wretch come near thy Throne, To plead the Merits of thy Son. 5 A broken Heart, my GOD, my King, Is all the Sacrifice I bring; The God of Grace will ne'er despise A broken Heart for Sacrifice. 6 My Soul lies humbled in the Dust, And owns thy dreadful Sentence just; Look down, O Lord, with pitying Eye, And save the Soul condemn'd to die. 7 Then will I teach the World thy Ways; Sinners shall learn thy sov'reign Grace; I'll lead them to my Saviour's Blood, And they shall praise a pard'ning God. 8 O may thy Love inspire my Tongue! Salvation shall be all my Song; And all my Pow'rs shall join to bless The Lord, my Strength and Righteousness. Topics: Backsliding soul restored; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ Our Hope; Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Distress relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved; Pardon of original and actual sin; Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Chirst; Sabbath Sacrifice; Sin original and actual, confessed and pardoned; Spirit his teaching desired; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 51
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Prayer heard, and Saints saved; or, Pride, Atheism and Oppression punished; For a Humiliation Day

Appears in 49 hymnals First Line: Why doth the Lord stand off so far? Lyrics: 1 Why doth the Lord stand off so far? And why conceal his Face, When great Calamities appear, And Times of deep Distress? 2 Lord, shall the Wicked still deride Thy Justice and thy Power? Shall they advance their Heads in Pride, And still thy Saints devour? 3 They put thy Judgments from their Sight, And then insult the Poor; They boast in their exalted Height, That they shall fall no more. 4 rise, O GOD, lift up thine Hand, Attend our humble Cry; No Enemy shall dare to stand When GOD ascends on high. Pause. 5 Why do the Men of Malice rage, And say, with foolish Pride, "The GOD of Heav'ns will ne'er engage "To fight on Zion's Side." 6 But thou for ever art our Lord, And powe'ful is thine Hand, As when the Heathen felt thy Sword, And perish'd from thy Land. 7 Thou wilt prepare our Hearts to pray, And cause thine Ear to hear; He hearkens what his Children say, And puts the World in Fear. 8 Proud Tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the Just; And mighty Sinners shall confess They are but Earth and Dust. Topics: Atheism punished; Church God fights for her; Complaint Pride, Atheisim, Oppression, etc.; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation; Humiliation Day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Persecutors deliverance from them; Salvation of saints; Submission Scripture: Psalm 10


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