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Scripture:Psalm 105

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Let Hearts Rejoice

Hymnal: Bible Songs No. 4 #216 (1917) Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Let hearts rejoice that seek the Lord Refrain First Line: O praise the Lord Languages: English Tune Title: [Let hearts rejoice that seek the Lord]

Unto the Lord Lift Thankful Voices

Author: Rev. S. G. Brondsema Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #221 (1934) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 105 Topics: Children; Covenant; Divine Election; Faithfulness of God; Joy; Praise for Blessings; Praise for God's Perfections; Praise for God's Works; Praise in Worship; Seeking (God after Man) Languages: English Tune Title: PIERRE

Nun danket Gott, erhebt und preiset

Author: Johannes Stapfer; Matthias Jorissen Hymnal: Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten #290 (2014) Scripture: Psalm 105 Lyrics: 1 Nun danket Gott, erhebt und preiset die Gnaden, die er euch erweiset, und zeiget allen Völkern an die Wunder, die der Herr getan. O Volk des Herrn, sein Eigentum, besinge deines Gottes Ruhm. 2 Fragt nach dem Herrn und seiner Stärke; der Herr ist groß in seinem Werke. Sucht doch sein freundlich Angesicht: Den, der ihn sucht, verlässt er nicht. Denkt an die Wunder, die er tat, und was sein Mund versprochen hat. 3 O Israel, Gott herrscht auf Erden. Er will von dir verherrlicht werden; er denket ewig seines Bunds und der Verheißung seines Munds, die er den Vätern kundgetan: Ich laß euch erben Kanaan. 4 Sie haben seine Treu erfahren, da sie noch fremd und wenig waren; sie zogen unter Gottes Hand von einem Land zum andern Land. Er schützte und bewahrte sie, und seine Huld verließ sie nie. 5 Gott zog des Tages vor dem Volke, den Weg zu weisen, in der Wolke, und machte ihm die Nächte hell; ließ springen aus dem Fels den Quell, tat Wunder durch sein Machtgebot und speiste sie mit Himmelsbrot. 6 Das tat der Herr, weil er gedachte des Bunds, den er mit Abram machte. Er führt an seiner treuen Hand sein Volk in das verheißne Land, damit es diene seinem Gott und dankbar halte sein Gebot. 7 O seht, wie Gott sein Volk regieret, aus Angst und Not zur Ruhe führet. Er hilft, damit man immerdar sein Recht und sein Gesetz bewahr. O wer ihn kennet, dient ihm gern. Gelobet sei der Nam des Herrn. Topics: Biblische Gesänge Psalmen und Lobgesänge Languages: German Tune Title: [Nun danket Gott, erhebt und preiset]

It's So Wonderful

Author: Ralph H. Good Pasteur Hymnal: Baptist Hymnal 1991 #432 (1991) Meter: Irregular Scripture: Psalm 105:2 First Line: When I should feel lonely or I should feel sad Refrain First Line: To me, it's so wonderful Languages: English Tune Title: COBBS

El día de la Pascua

Author: Juan Damasceno, c. 696-c. 754; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866; Eduardo Roig, 1904-1991 Hymnal: Himnario Luterano #492 (2021) Scripture: Psalm 105:43 First Line: ¡El día de la Pascua Topics: Pascua Languages: Spanish Tune Title: LANCASHIRE

Thanks Be to God

Author: Cornelius Becker, 1561-1694; Daniel G. Reuning, b. 1935 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #526 (1986) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Thanks be to God, O give him praise Topics: Commissioning; Commitment; Courage; Covenant; Faithfulness of God; God the Father (Creator); Holy Name; Judgment; Mission; Providence; Thanksgiving; Unity; World Languages: English Tune Title: DANKET DEM HERREN

Psalm 105: Thanks Be To God

Author: Cornelius Becker, 1561-1604; Daniel G. Reuning, b. 1935 Hymnal: Hymnal Supplement 1991 #708 (1991) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Thanks be to God, O give him praise Topics: Commitment; Easter Season; Lent; Mission; Thanksgiving; Unity Languages: English Tune Title: DANKET DEM HERREN
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El Señor se acuerda de su alianza eternamente (The Lord remembers his covenant forever)

Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #819 (2013) Scripture: Psalm 105 Topics: Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph B; Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria y José B Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: [El Señor se acuerda de su alianza eternamente]
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O praise the Lord, call on his name

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PCV (1742) Scripture: Psalm 105 Lyrics: 1 O praife the Lord, call on his name, To people shew his facts. 2 Sing to him, sing psalms to him, talk Ox all his wond'rous acts. 3 Let their hearts joy who seek the Lord, Boast in his holy name. 4. The Lord seek, and his strength, his face Seek ye always the same. 5 Remember ye what he hath done, Each admirable deed, His wonders and his judgments which Did from his mouth prcceed. 6 O ye his servant Abraham's seed Ye Jacob's chosen sons. 7 He is the Lord our God, through all The earth hie judgments run. 8 His covenant for evermore, And his commanded word A thousand generations to He doth in mind record. 9 The covenant which he before Did unto Abr'ham make: And unto Isaac afterward Likewise an oath did take/ 10 And unto Jacob for a law He did confirm it fast; To Ifr'el for a covenant That evermore should last. 11 I'll surely give thee Canaan's land To be thy lot, he said. 12 When they but few, yea very few, And strangers in it stray'd. 13 When they did from one nation Another pass unto: When as they from one kingdom did To other people go. 14 He suffer'd mone to do them wrong, Yea kings for them check'd he. 15 Touch ye not mine anointed ones, My prophets harm not ye. 16 He call'd for famine on the land, He brake the staff of bread. 17 Before them sent one whom they sold Joseph a slave was made. 18 Whose feet they did with fetters hurt, He did in irons lie, 19 Until the time his word did come*, The Lord's word did him try. 20 The king, the peoples ruler sent, Loos'd him and let him go. 2i He made him lord of all his house, Of all's wealth ruler too. 22 That he his noble peers might bind According to his will; And that into his senators He wisdom might instil. 23 Then also into Egypt land His father Ifra'l came: And Jacob was a sojourner Within the land of Ham. 24 He much increas'd his folk, and made Them than their foes more strong. 25 Their heart he turn'd his folk to hate, To do his servants wrong. [3] 26 His servant Moses he did send, And Aaron whom he chose. 27 His signs and wonders them among They in Ham's land disclose. 28 He darkness sent, and made it dark, Nor did they 's word gainsay. 29 He turn'd their waters into blood, And he their fish did slay. 30 Great store of frogs their land bro't forth In chambers of their kings. 31 He spake, there came flies swarms, and lice In all their coast he brings. 32 He gave them hail for rain, and in Their land fires flame did make. 33 Their vines and fig-trees smote and thro' Their coast the trees he brake. 34 He spake, and then the locusts forth And caterpillars came, In multitudes of armies, so That none could number them. 35 All their land's herbs they eat, and fruit Did of their ground devour. 36 All first-born in their land he smote, The chief of all their pow'r. [4] 37 He also thence did bring them forth With silver and with gold And there was not among their tribes A feeble person told, 38 At their out-going Egypt joy'd, For on them fell their dread: 39 A cloud for cov'ring, and a fire To light the night he spread. 46 They ask'd, and he brought quails, with bread He fill'd them from the sky. 41 He clave the rock, and water flow'd, Floods ran in places dry. 42 For on his holy promise he, And servant Abram thought 43 With joy his people and with songs Forth he his chosen brought. 44 He of the heathen people did The land on them bestow; The labour of the people they Inherited also. 45 To this great end, that so they might His statutes keep always, And that they might his laws observe: Therefore Jehovah praise. Languages: English
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O render Thanks and bless the LORD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CV (1767) Scripture: Psalm 105 Lyrics: 1 O render Thanks and bless the LORD, Invoke his ever sacred Name; Acquaint the Nations with his Deeds, His great and matchless Deeds proclaim: His wond'rous Works in Hymns rehearse, Make them the Subject of your Verse. 2 Rejoice in his Almighty Name, Which only ought to be ador'd; And let their Hearts o'erflow with Joy, Who seek with humble Fear the LORD: Seek ye the LORD, his Strength implore, Seek ye his Face for evermore. 3 The Wonders that his Hands have wrought, Keep ever thankfully in Mind; With all the Statutes of his Mouth, And Laws he hath to us assign'd: His Works are glorious to the View, His Judgments all are just and true. 4 Know ye, his Servant Abra'm's Seed, And likewise Jacob's chosen Race; He's still our GOD, and through the Earth, His righteous Judgments will take Place: His Word, for Thousand Ages past, Hath stood, and shall for ever last. 5 His Cov'nant first to Abra'am sign'd, By Oath to Isaac made secure; To Jacob and his Heirs, confirm'd, A Law for ever to endure: A Testament to Israel made, Is on a firm Foundation laid. 6 That Canaan's Land should be their Lot, When yet but few of them there were: But few in Number, and those few Forlorn and helpless Strangers there: From Realm to Realm secure they mov'd, Whilst Kings were for their Sakes reprov'd. 7 "These mine Anointed are (said he) "Let none my chosen Servants wrong; "Nor treat the poorest Prophet ill, "That doth to me, his GOD, belong." AT last he made their Corn to fail, And through the Land a Dearth prevail. 8 But Joseph he had sent before, Who for a Slave was sold and bound; His Feet, secur'd within the Stocks, Did galling Irons pierce and wound: 'Till GOD's appointed Time and Word, Had try'd him, and did Help afford. 9 The King then sent, and set him free, And Lord of all his Houshold made; His Wealth he gave to him in Charge, Before him all his Counsels laid. That he might teach his Statesmen Skill, And tell the Princes of his Will. Part II 10 To Egypt then, invited Guests, With Speed, half famish'd Israel came; And Jacob, though a Stranger, held By royal Grant the Land of Ham: There GOD his People multiply'd, 'Till they with their Oppressors vy'd 11 Their vast Increase th'Egyptian's Hearts, With Jealousy and Anger fir'd; 'Till they his Servants to destroy, With secret Treachery conspir'd: Their Hearts against his People turn'd, Their Breasts with inward Envy burn'd. 12 His Servant Moses then he sent, He sent his chosen Aaron too; Empow'r'd with Signs and Miracles, To prove their sacred Mission true: These shew'd the Wonders of his Hand, And spread their Tokens through the Land. 13 He call'd for Darkness, and it came, Yet would they not his Voice obey; He turn'd their Waters into Blood, And did their Fish in Numbers slay: A noisome Pest of Frogs was bred, And sent to croak at Pharaoh's Bed. 14 He gave the Sign, and Swarms of Flies, Came from above in cloudy Hosts; While Earth's enlivin'd Dust below, Bred hateful Lice through all their Coasts: Hailstones he did for Rain command, And Flames of Fire, to plague the Land. 33 He smote their Fig Trees and their Vines, Their lofty Forst Trees destroy'd; Locusts and Caterpillars join'd; In dreadful Swarms, the Land annoy'd: Their Numbers cover'd all the Ground, And eat the Fruit and Herbage round. 16 He, in one Night their First-born smote, The Chief of all their Pride he slew; But from their Land, enrich'd with Spoils, In Health and Strength his Servants drew: Egypt was glad when they remov'd, Who had to them so fatal prov'd. 17 GOD spread a Cloud to cover them, A Fire at Night was their sure Guide; He gave them Quails at their Desire, And them with heav'nly Bread supply'd: He smote the Rock, and from the Wound, The gushing Waters flow'd around. 18 For he his Promise kept in Mind, And brought his People forth with Joy; Gave them the Fruit of others Toil, And did their Heathen Foes destroy: That they his Statutes may obey, And to his Laws due Rev'rence pay. Topics: Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Languages: English Tune Title: [O render Thanks, and bless the Lord]


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