Author: Rev. Isaac Watts Hymnal: The New Christian Hymnal #160 (1929) Meter: First Line: Thus saith the mercy of the Lord Lyrics: 1. Thus saith the mercy of the Lord,
"I'll be a God to thee;
I'll bless thy num'rous race, and they
Shall be a seed to Me."
2. Abram believed the promised grace,
And gave his child to God;
But water seals the blessing now,
That once was sealed with blood.
3. Jesus the ancient faith comfirms,
To our forefathers giv'n;
He takes young children to His arms,
And calls them heirs of heav'n.
4. Our God, how faithful are His ways!
His love endures the same;
Nor from the promise of His grace,
Blots out His children's name.
5. Thus to the parents and their seed
Shall Thy salvation come;
And num'rous households meet at last
In one eternal home.
Topics: The Church; Means of Grace Baptism Languages: English Tune Title: BELIEF
Thus Saith the Mercy