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Hymnal, Number:sdah1886

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Showing 161 - 170 of 1,391Results Per Page: 102050
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The Lord is King! lift up thy voice

Author: Josiah Conder Appears in 256 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord is King! lift up thy voice, O earth, and all ye heavens, rejoice! From world to world the joy shall ring, The Lord omnipotent is King! 2 The Lord is King! child of the dust, The Judge of all the earth is just, Holy and true are all his ways; Let every creature speak his praise. 3 He reigns! ye saints, exalt your strains, Your God is King, your Father reigns; And he is at the Father's side, The man of love, the Crucified. 4 Come, make your wants, your burdens known, He will present them at the throne; And angel bands are waiting there, His messages of love to bear. 5 O when his wisdom can mistake, His might decay, his love forsake, Then may his children cease to sing, The Lord omnipotent is King! Topics: Worship Attributes and Providence of God Used With Tune: LUTON
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The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know

Author: James Montgomery Appears in 595 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know; I feed in green pastures, safe-folded I rest; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed, Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed. 2 Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay; No harm can befall, with my Comforter near. 3 In the midst of affliction my table is spread With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er; With perfume and oil thou anointest my head; O, what shall I ask of thy providence more? 4 Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God, Still follow my steps till I meet thee above; I seek by the path which my forefathers trod, Through the land of their sojourn thy kingdom of love. Topics: The Christian Guidance and Protection Used With Tune: PORTUGUESE HYMN
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The praying spirit breathe

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 139 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The praying spirit breathe, The watching power impart, From all entanglements beneath Call off my peaceful heart. 2 My feeble mind sustain, By worldly thoughts oppressed; Appear, and bid me turn again To my eternal rest. 3 Swift to my rescue come, Thine own this moment seize; Gather my wandering spirit home, And keep in perfect peace: 4 Suffer no more to rove O'er all the earth abroad, Arrest the prisoner of thy love, And shut me up in God. Topics: The Christian Godly Life Used With Tune: GREENWOOD
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The Saviour kindly calls

Author: Henry U. Onderdonk Appears in 125 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Saviour kindly calls Our children to his breast; He folds them in his gracious arms; Himself declares them blest. 2 "Let them approach," he cries, "Nor scorn their humble claim; The heir of heaven are such as these; For such as these I came." 3 With joy we bring them, Lord, Devoting them to thee; Imploring that, as we are thine, Thine may our offspring be. Topics: The Christian Family Devotion Used With Tune: BOYSTON
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The Saviour! O what endless charms

Author: Anne Steele Appears in 276 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Saviour! O what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound! Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet comfort round. 2 The mighty Former of the skies Stooped to our vile abode, While angels viewed with wondering eyes, And hailed the incarnate God. 3 O the rich depths of love divine! Of bliss, a boundless store! Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine, I cannot wish for more. 4 On thee alone my hope relies, Beneath thy cross I fall; My Lord, my Life, my Sacrifice! My Saviour, and my All! Topics: Worship Adoration of Christ Used With Tune: ST. AGNES
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The Spirit in our hearts

Author: Henry Onderdonk Appears in 428 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Spirit in our hearts, Is whispering, "Sinner, come;" The holy Bride of Christ proclaims To all her children, "Come!" 2 Let him that heareth say To all about him, "Come!" Let him that thirsts for righteousness To Christ, the Fountain, come. 3 Yes, whosoever will, O let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life; 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo! Jesus, who invites, Declares, "I quickly come;" Lord, even so, we wait thy hour; O blest Redeemer, come. Topics: The Sinner Warning and Invitation Used With Tune: GOLDEN HILL
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The starry firmament on high

Author: Robert Grant Appears in 79 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The starry firmament on high, And all the glories of the sky, Yet shine not to thy praise, O Lord, So brightly as thy written word. 2 The hopes that holy word supplies, Its truths divine and precepts wise, In each a heavenly beam I see, And every beam conducts to thee. 3 Almighty Lord, the sun shall fail, The moon her borrowed glory veil, And deepest reverence hush on high The joyful chorus of the sky. 4 But fixed for everlasting years, Unmoved amid the wreck of spheres, Thy word shall shine in cloudless day, When heaven and earth have passed away. Topics: Worship Holy Scriptures Used With Tune: HAMBURG
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There is a book that all may read

Author: John Keble Appears in 184 hymnals Lyrics: 1 There is a book that all may read, Which heavenly truth imparts; And all the lore its scholars need, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. 2 The works of God above, below, Within us, and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is found. 3 The glorious sky, embracing all, Is like the Maker's love, Wherewith encompassed, great and small, In peace and order move. 4 The dew of heaven is like thy grace, It steals in silence down; But where it falls, the favored place By richest fruits is known. 5 Thou who has given me eyes to see, And love for what is fair, Give me a heart to find out thee, And read thee everywhere. Topics: Worship Attributes and Providence of God Used With Tune: WOODLAND
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There is a fountain filled with blood

Author: William Cowper Appears in 2,486 hymnals Lyrics: 1 There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains. And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Thou dying Lamb! thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Are saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Lord, I believe thou hast prepared, Unworthy though I be, For me a blood-bought, free reward, A golden harp for me! 6 There in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Is ransomed from the grave. Topics: The Church Lord's Supper Used With Tune: FOUNTAIN
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There is an eye that never sleeps

Author: John A. Wallace Appears in 184 hymnals Lyrics: 1 There is an eye that never sleeps Beneath the wing of night; There is an ear that never shuts When sink the beams of light. 2 There is an arm that never tires When human strength gives way; There is a love that never fails When earthly loves decay. 3 That eye is fixed on seraph throngs; That arm upholds the sky; That ear is filled with angel songs; That love is throned on high. 4 But there's a power which man can wield When mortal aid is vain, That eye, that arm, that love to reach, That listening ear to gain. 5 That power is prayer, which soars on high, Through Jesus, to the throne; And moves the hand which moves the world, To bring salvation down. Topics: The Christian Meditation and Prayer Used With Tune: BROWN


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