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Hymnal, Number:lv1898

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Cover them Over with Beautiful Flowers

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: With uncovered head we are standing today Refrain First Line: O cover them over these soldiers who sleep Lyrics: 1 With uncovered head we are standing today, Where valor lies sleeping our tribute to pay, At the shrine of these dear sainted heroes of ours, And cover them over with beautiful flow'rs. Chorus: O cover them over these soldiers who sleep, They'll not be forgotten, so why should we weep? They saved as a unit this country of ours, So cover them over with beautiful flow'rs. 2 When the trumpet first sounded their country's alarms, They left their dear firesides and sprang to their arms, They fought, bled, and died, to preserve freedom's bow'rs, Now cover them over with beautiful flow'rs. [Chorus] 3 Sleep on honored dead, e'er remembered you'll be, While zephyrs blow over the land of the free, Loving hands will erect, to your memory tow'rs, And cover you over with beautiful flow'rs. [Chorus] 4 Sleep, peacefully sleep in your dreams, never more Will your rest be broken by nightmares of war, Nor reveille call you at still morning hours, Sleep on, covered over with beautiful flow'rs. [Chorus] 5 In Columbia's Pantheon, temple of fame, Your deeds are recorded, immortal your name, At recital of them base infamy cow'rs, Now rest, covered over with beautiful flow'rs. [Chorus] 6 Rest on, undisturbed by the changes of time, While fingers weave garlands, your shafts to entwine, While your graves are refreshed by the God given show'rs, Rest on, covered over with beautiful flow'rs. [Chorus] Topics: Decoration Day Used With Tune: [With uncovered head we are standing today]
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O Lovely Star

Author: Adam Geibel Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O lovely star in heav'n so bright Refrain First Line: O Star divine, shed on us here Lyrics: 1 O lovely star in heav'n so bright, That guides the shepherds thro' the night To where the blessed Saviour lay, In Bethlehem's manger far away. Chorus: O Star divine, shed on us here Thy beams of love and Christmas cheer, And angels sing the song again Of peace on earth, goodwill to men. 2 O lovely star, direct our feet, That we may haste our Lord to greet; And gather 'round like Magi old, Or shepherds, hast'ning from the fold. [Chorus] 3 O Star divine illume our way, That we may gain eternal day, And live while endless ages roll, Safe sheltered in Thy heav'nly fold. [Chorus] Topics: Christmas Used With Tune: [O lovely star in heav'n so bright]
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Make Bare thy Mighty Arm

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Lord, help us now to fight Refrain First Line: O Lord, make bare thine arm Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us now to fight, Our ev'ry fear disarm; The Lord of hosts will arm the right," Make bare thy mighty arm. Chorus: O Lord, make bare thine arm, Thy mighty arm; Thy saints are weak, thine aid we seek, Make bare thy mighty arm. 2 The foe is pressing nigh, He would our souls alarm; We will not fear if thou art by, Make bare thy mighty arm. [Chorus] 3 We will this battle win, With thee we're safe from harm; To sweep the battlefield of sin, Make bare thy mighty arm. [Chorus] 4 Help us our friends to gain, Now held by Satan's charm To save their souls and break his chain, Make bare thy mighty arm. [Chorus] Topics: Missionary; Work Used With Tune: [Lord, help us now to fight]
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Look Along the Shore

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: On sin's barren, rocky coast Refrain First Line: Look along the shore, my brother Lyrics: 1 On sin's barren, rocky coast, Life-barks perish o'er and o'er, Precious souls are often lost, Brother, look along the shore. Chorus: Look along the shore, my brother, Look along the shore; Quickly go, and you may rescue Precious souls along the shore. 2 In the darkness of the night, 'Mid the angry breakers' roar, Some poor soul may ask for light, Brother, look along the shore. [Chorus] 3 Humble tasks are left undone For the work that's honored more; Seek some poor, neglected one, Brother, look along the shore. [Chorus] 4 Lured by Satan's pow'r combined, Lives are shipwrecked by the score; Go, then quickly, and you'll find Souls to save along the shore. [Chorus] Topics: Missionary; Revival; Work Scripture: Mark 1:17 Used With Tune: [On sin's barren, rocky coast]
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Witnessing for Christ

Author: Birdie Bell Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Do you know that Christ is list'ning? Refrain First Line: Are you witnessing for Jesus Lyrics: 1 Do you know that Christ is list'ning? Does he hear your accents clear? Do you always witness for him, Tell to others far and near All the joys of his salvation, All the rapture of his love? Let him hear your loving utt'rance, He is leaning from above! Chorus: Are you witnessing for Jesus, Glad to speak a loving word? List'ning, longing souls surround you, That dear story have they heard? 2 Once he sought you in his pity, You were far outside the fold; Oh, his love was deep and tender, Have you often the story told? In the wilderness so lonely, Jesus heard your feeble cry; Brought you home to life and gladness, Do you ever testify? [Chorus] 3 There are others in the desert, Seek them now and tell of him, Of his patience and forbearance When you wandered far from him; Tell them of the peace and shelter Offered to each homeless one; For if you refuse to tell them, How can they to Christ be won? [Chorus] 4 Does no sound e'er break the stillness? Does he know his child is dumb? Do not grieve him by your silence As the moments go and come! Thro' the swiftly flying moments He is list'ning from his throne; Be a true and faithful witness, Speak in eager, joyous tone. [Chorus] Topics: Devotional Used With Tune: [Do you know that Christ is list'ning?]
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The Knock of the Nail-Pierced Hand

Author: John R. Clements Appears in 20 hymnals First Line: Dost thou know at thy bolted heart's-door tonight Refrain First Line: Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand Lyrics: 1 Does thou know at thy bolted heart's-door tonight, The Saviour in meekness doth stand, And longs for admission? pray, listen now To the knock of the nail-pierced hand. Chorus: Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand, Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand; Swing the door open wide, Bid him enter and abide, Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand. 2 Outside he has stood thro' the length of the years, Since Mother the love-flame first fanned; You have spursed and rejected, O give heed to-night To the knock of the nail-pierced hand. [Chorus] 3 You turn not away when a friend's at your door, Here's one there's none like in the land, Who asks to come in to forever abide; Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand. [Chorus] 4 All the pain and the shame of his death on the tree A welcome from you should command, Since the weight of your sins in his body he bore; Heed the knock of the nail-pierced hand. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [Dost thou know at thy bolted heart's-door tonight]
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Father, Holy Father

Author: Author Not Known Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Father, holy Father, Now the sun has come, Bringing light and glory From thy heav'nly home. 2 We thy little children, To thy throne above We would hymn thy praises, We would sing thy love. 3 Thou art wise and loving, Thou art great and strong; Glad when we do rightly, Grieved when we do wrong. 4 Hear us, holy Father, As to thee we pray, Asking thee to keep us Safe from harm today. 5 Father, God, our Father, Guide us ev'ry hour; Keep us safe, and shield us From temptation's pow'r. Amen. Topics: Praise Used With Tune: [Father, holy Father]
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The Power of Love

Author: Rev. W. J. Stuart, A. M. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: How great the pow'r that holds us fast Lyrics: 1 How great the pow'r that holds us fast, To idols of the world! How quick the joys of sin are past Their folly soon unfurl'd! 2 How blind are we to all that's good, When sin obscures the day! How weak to do the task we should, When Satan leads the way! 3 But there's a pow'r that's greater still, Than Satan's or of sins, For one who seeks to do God's will, The conquest surely wins. 4 His grace is freely promised those, Who in His Word believe, They surely conquer all their foes, New strength they shall receive. 5 Thus stronger is the love that binds To God's great throne of might, The soul that heaven's wisdom finds, Will have increasing light. 6 Who would not have this wondrous love, When its so freely giv'n? Who would not have a home above, At God's right hand in heav'n? Topics: Devotional Used With Tune: [How great the pow'r that holds us fast]
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Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: Once upon the tide I drifted Refrain First Line: I am anchored, safely anchored Lyrics: 1 Once upon the tide I drifted, With no guide to yonder shore; But I've found a side once rifted, Where I'm safe forevermore. Chorus: I am anchored, safely anchored, Anchored never more to roam, Anchored by the side of Jesus, Anchored in the soul's bright home. 2 Let the storms sweep o'er life's ocean, They can do me no more harm; Anchored far from their commotion, I am resting 'neath His arm. [Chorus] 3 Here my peace flows like a river, Here my soul o'er flows with song; Pray'r and praises to the giver. Fill my glad heart all day long. [Chorus] 4 When this life below is ended, I shall anchor on that shore; Where my praises will be blended, With ten thousand, thousand more. [Chorus] Topics: Consecration Used With Tune: [Once upon the tide I drifted]
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I'm Going Home at Last

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: When I see life's golden sunset lighting up the rosy West Lyrics: 1 When I see life's golden sunset lighting up the rosy West, When the shadows backward o'er my way are cast; I shall look upon that moment as the one supremely blest, I'm going home at last. Chorus: I'm going home at last, I'm going home at last; When my work on earth is ended and my race below is run, I'm going home at last. 2 Tho' the road at times was weary, over which my feet have trod, Tho' thro' many tribulations I have passed; Yet I soon will reach my mansion in the city of our God, I'm going home at last. [Chorus] 3 When I pass down thro' the valley and the shadow of the dead, To my blessed Saviour's hand I will hold fast He has promised to go with me, so my soul will have no dread, I'm going home at last. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [When I see life's golden sunset lighting up the rosy West]


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