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Anna Shipton

1815 - 1901 Hymnal Number: 619 Author of "Call them in! the poor, the wretched" in The Hymnal Anna Savage Shipton United Kingdom 1815-1901. Born at Evesham, Wychavon, Worcester, England, she was the daughter of Evesham solicitor, Edward Savage. She inherited land from her father when he died in 1839 (her mother had died in 1817, and her brother had emigrated to Australia), and rented out some of the land. She married Joseph Shipton in 1848, but separated in 1852, allegedly due to his infidelity. Her estranged husband died in 1860. She traveled extensively and continued writing poetry and essays. She wrote 20+ religious books, and many leaflets, mostly religious. Among her books the following: a hymns and meditations book entitled, “Whispers in the palms. Hymns and meditations” (1855); Precious gems for the Savior’s diadems” (1862); “The brook in the way-original hymns” (1864); “Tell Jesus- Recollections of E Gosse”; “The cottage on the hock-an allegory”. After living in mainland Europe from the mid-1860s to the 1880s, she returned to the UK and settled in Sussex, then in St Leonard’s on the Sea, East Sussex, England, where she eventually died. John Perry =================== Shipton, Anna. Concerning this writer we can ascertain no details beyond the fact that she published:— (1) Whispers in the Palms. Hymns and Meditations. London, W. Yapp, 1855; second edition, augmented, 1857. (2) Precious Gems for the Saviour's Diadem, 1862. (3) The Brook in the Way; Original Hymns, 1864. (4) Tell Jesus: Recollections of E. Gosse. (5) The Cottage on The Hock, an Allegory. Also other smaller books. Her hymns in common use include:— i. From her Whispers in the Palms, 1855-57. 1. Down in the pleasant pastures. The Good Shepherd. 2. Father, My cup is full. Gethsemane. 3. How shall I praise Thee, O my God? Praise. 4. Jesus, Master, hear my cry. Blind Bartimaeus. ii. From her other Works. 5. Call them in, the poor,the wretched (1862). Home Missions. 6. Praise God, ye gladdening smiles of mom. Ps. cxlviii. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

St. Stephen of Mar Sabas

725 - 794 Person Name: St. Stephen the Sabaite Hymnal Number: 342b Author of "Art thou weary, art thou languid" in The Hymnal

St. Ambrose

340 - 397 Person Name: Ambrosian Hymnal Number: 118a Author of "At the Lamb's high feast we sing" in The Hymnal Ambrose (b. Treves, Germany, 340; d. Milan, Italy, 397), one of the great Latin church fathers, is remembered best for his preaching, his struggle against the Arian heresy, and his introduction of metrical and antiphonal singing into the Western church. Ambrose was trained in legal studies and distinguished himself in a civic career, becoming a consul in Northern Italy. When the bishop of Milan, an Arian, died in 374, the people demanded that Ambrose, who was not ordained or even baptized, become the bishop. He was promptly baptized and ordained, and he remained bishop of Milan until his death. Ambrose successfully resisted the Arian heresy and the attempts of the Roman emperors to dominate the church. His most famous convert and disciple was Augustine. Of the many hymns sometimes attributed to Ambrose, only a handful are thought to be authentic. Bert Polman ===================== Ambrosius (St. Ambrose), second son and third child of Ambrosius, Prefect of the Gauls, was born at Lyons, Aries, or Treves--probably the last--in 340 A.D. On the death of his father in 353 his mother removed to Rome with her three children. Ambrose went through the usual course of education, attaining considerable proficiency in Greek; and then entered the profession which his elder brother Satyrus had chosen, that of the law. In this he so distinguished himself that, after practising in the court of Probus, the Praetorian Prefect of Italy, he was, in 374, appointed Consular of Liguria and Aemilia. This office necessitated his residence in Milan. Not many months after, Auxentius, bishop of Milan, who had joined the Arian party, died; and much was felt to depend upon the person appointed as his successor. The church in which the election was held was so filled with excited people that the Consular found it necessary to take steps fur preserving the peace, and himself exhorted them to peace and order: when a voice suddenly exclaimed, "Ambrose is Bishop," and the cry was taken up on all sides. He was compelled to accept the post, though still only a catechumen; was forthwith baptized, and in a week more consecrated Bishop, Dec. 7, 374. The death of the Emperor Valentinian I., in 375, brought him into collision with Justina, Valentinian's second wife, an adherent of the Arian party: Ambrose was supported by Gratian, the elder son of Valentinian, and by Theodosius, whom Gratian in 379 associated with himself in the empire. Gratian was assassinated in 383 by a partisau of Maximus, and Ambrose was sent to treat with the usurper, a piece of diplomacy in which he was fairly successful. He found himself, however, left to carry on the contest with the Arians and the Empress almost alone. He and the faithful gallantly defended the churches which the heretics attempted to seize. Justina was foiled: and the advance of Maximus on Milan led to her flight, and eventually to her death in 388. It was in this year, or more probably the year before (387), that Ambrose received into the Church by baptism his great scholar Augustine, once a Manichaean heretic. Theodosius was now virtually head of the Roman empire, his colleague Valentinian II., Justina's son, being a youth of only 17. In the early part of 390 the news of a riot at Thessalonica, brought to him at Milan, caused him to give a hasty order for a general massacre at that city, and his command was but too faithfully obeyed. On his presenting himself a few days after at the door of the principal church in Milan, he was met by Ambrose, who refused him entrance till he should have done penance for his crime. It was not till Christmas, eight months after, that the Emperor declared his penitence, and was received into communion again by the Bishop. Valentinian was murdered by Arbogastes, a Frank general, in 392; and the murderer and his puppet emperor Eugenius were defeated by Theodosius in 394. But the fatigues of the campaign told on the Emperor, and he died the following year. Ambrose preached his funeral sermon, as he had done that of Valentinian. The loss of these two friends and supporters was a severe blow to Ambrose; two unquiet years passed, and then, worn with labours and anxieties, he himself rested from his labours on Easter Eve, 397. It was the 4th of April, and on that day the great Bishop of Milan is remembered by the Western Church, but Rome commemorates his consecration only, Dec. 7th. Great he was indeed, as a scholar, an organiser, a statesman; still greater as a theologian, the earnest and brilliant defender of the Catholic faith against the Arians of the West, just as Athanasius (whose name, one cannot but remark, is the same as his in meaning) was its champion against those of the East. We are now mainly concerned with him as musician and poet, "the father of Church song" as he is called by Grimm. He introduced from the East the practice of antiphonal chanting, and began the task, which St. Gregory completed, of systematizing the music of the Church. As a writer of sacred poetry he is remarkable for depth and severity. He does not warm with his subject, like Adam of St. Victor, or St. Bernard. "We feel," says Abp. Trench, "as though there were a certain coldness in his hymns, an aloofness of the author from his subject. "A large number of hymns has been attributed to his pen; Daniel gives no fewer than 92 called Ambrosian. Of these the great majority (including one on himself) cannot possibly be his; there is more or less doubt about the rest. The authorities on the subject are the Benedictine ed. of his works, the Psalterium, or Hymnary, of Cardinal Thomasius, and the Thesaurus Hymnologicus of Daniel. The Benedictine editors give 12 hymns as assignable to him, as follows:—1. Aeterna Christi munera. 2. Aeterne rerum Conditor. 3. Consors Paterni luminii. 4. Deus Creator omnium. 5. Fit porta Christi pervia, 6. Illuminans Altissimus. 7. Jam surgit hora tertia. 8. 0 Lux Beata Trinitas. 9. Orabo mente Dominum. 10. Somno refectis artubus. 11. Splendor Paternae gloriae. 12. Veni Redemptor gentium. Histories of these hymns, together with details of translations into English, are given in this work, and may be found under their respective first lines. The Bollandists and Daniel are inclined to attribute to St. Ambrose a hymn, Grates tibi Jesu novas, on the finding of the relics of SS. Gervasius and Protasius. These, we know, were discovered by him in 386, and it is by no means unlikely that the bishop should have commemorated in verse an event which he announces by letter to his sister Marcellina with so much satisfaction, not to say exultation.A beautiful tradition makes the Te Deum laudamus to have been composed under inspiration, and recited alternately, by SS. Ambrose and Augustine immediately after the baptism of the latter in 387. But the story rests upon a passage which there is every reason to consider spurious, in the Chronicon of Dacius, Bishop of Milan in 550. There is no hint of such an occurrence in the Confessions of St. Augustine, nor in Paulinue's life of St. Ambrose, nor in any authentic writing of St. Ambrose himself. The hymn is essentially a compilation, and there is much reason to believe, with Merati, that it originated in the 5th century, in the monastery of St. Honoratus at Lerins. [Te Deum.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Also known as: Ambrotio, Ambrosio de Milán Ambrosius Mediolanensis Ambrosius Saint, Bp. of Milan Ambrosius von Mailand Aurelio Ambrogio, Saint, Bishop of Milan Aurelius Ambrosius, Saint, Bishop of Milan Milan, d. 397

Thomas Scott

1705 - 1775 Person Name: T. Scott Hymnal Number: 116 Author of "Angels, roll the rock away!" in The Hymnal Thomas Scott was born at Norwich, and was the son of a Dissenting minister. After his education he began his ministerial life at Wartmell, in Norfolk, adding also the labours of school-teaching. Subsequently he changed his pastoral relations several times, spending the last years of his life at Hupton, in Norfolk, where he died in 1776. He was the author of some prose works, several poems, and a few hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ============================ Scott, Thomas, son of Thomas Scott, Independent Minister at Norwich, brother of Elizabeth Scott, and nephew of Dr. Daniel Scott, was born at Norwich, 1705. As a young man he kept a school at Wortwell, and preached once a month at Harleston, Norfolk. Then, after a short ministry at Lowestoft, he removed in 1734 to Ipswich as co-pastor with Mr. Baxter of the Presbyterian congregation meeting in St. Nicholas Street Chapel. On the death of his senior in 1740 he became sole pastor. In 1774 he retired to Hapton, and died there in 1775. He was the author of various poetical works, including:— (1) The Table of Cebes; or, the Picture of Human Life, in English Verse, with Notes, 1754; (2) The Book of Job, in English Verse; translated from the original Hebrew, with Remarks, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, 1771; 2nd ed. 1773; (3) Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral. By Thomas Scott, London, James Buckland, 1773. To Dr. Enfield's Hymns for Public Worship, Warrington, 1772, he contributed "All-knowing God, 'tis Thine to know" (p. 43, ii.); "Angels! roll the rock away" (p. 69, i.); "As various as the moon " (p. 85, ii.); and the following:— 1. Absurd and vain attempt to bind. Persecution. 2. Behold a wretch in woe. Mercy. 3. Imposture shrinks from light. Private Judgment, its Rights and Duties. 4. Mark, when tempestuous winds arise. Meekness. 5. O come all ye sons of Adam and raise. Universal Praise to God. 6. Th' uplifted eye and bended knee. Devotion vain without Virtue. 7. Was pride,alas, e'er made for man? Humility. 8. Why do I thus perplex? Worldly Anxiety reproved. In his Preface to his Lyric Poems, 1773, he said that the object of his work was:— "To form a kind of little poetical system of piety and morals. The work opens with natural religion. Thence it proceeds to the mission of Jesus Christ, his sufferings, his exaltation, and the propagation of his doctrine. Next is the call to repentance, the nature and blessedness of a Christian life, and the entrance into it. These topics are succeeded by the various branches of devotion: after which are ranked the moral duties, personal and social, the happy end of a sincere Christian, and the coming of Jesus Christ to finish his mediatorial kingdom by the general judgment. The whole is closed with a description of the illustrious times, when by means of the everlasting gospel, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Of Scott's better known hymns this volume contained most of those named above, and:— 9. Hasten, sinner, to be wise. p. 493, ii. 10. Who, gracious Father, can complain? The Divine Dispensation In the Collection of Hymns and Psalms, &c, 1795, by Kippis, Rees, and others, several of the above were repeated, and the following were new:— 11. If high or low our station be. Justice. 12. Happy the meek whose gentle breast. Meekness. Doctrinally Scott might be described as an evangelical Arian. Hymns of his appear in most of the old Presbyterian collections at the close of the last century, and in the early Unitarian collections. Several are still in common use in G. Britain and America. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Philip Pusey

1799 - 1885 Hymnal Number: 496 Author of "Lord of our life, and God of our salvation" in The Hymnal Pusey, Philip, eldest son of Mr. Philip Pusey, and brother of Dr. Pusey, was born June 25, 1799, and died July 9, 1855. His father, a son of the first Viscount Folkestone, had assumed the name of Pusey instead of that of Bouverie. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

H. J. Pye

1827 - 1903 Person Name: Rev. H. J. Pye Hymnal Number: 151 Author of "In His temple now behold Him" in The Hymnal Pye, Henry John, M.A., son of H. J. Pye, of Clifton Hall, Staffordshire, was born circa 1825, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, (B.A. 1848, M.A. 1852.) Taking Holy Orders in 1850, he was presented by his father in 1851 to the Rectory of Clifton-Campville, Staffordshire. In 1868 he, together with his wife (only daughter of Bishop S. Wilberforce), joined the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Pye published Two Lectures on the Church, 1852; Short Ecclesiastical History, 1854; and various Sermons. He also compiled a book of Hymns for use at Clifton-Campville in 1851. To that collection he contributed a few hymns, including:— 1. In His temple now behold Him. Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary. This hymn was repeated, in a slightly altered form and an additional stanza (iv.), by Canon W. Cooke in the Cooke and Denton Hymnal, 1853 ; the Salisbury Hymn Book, 1857; and many later collections. It is sometimes given with the fourth stanza as in the Sarum, 1868; Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, &c. The full Pye-Cooke text of 1853 is in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871; Turing's Collection, 1882 (slightly altered); and others. This hymn is sometimes given as a translation from Angelus Silesius (Scheffler), but in error. 2. 0 praise ye the Lord, Ye nations rejoice. Annunciation. This hymn was also repeated in the Cooke and Denton Hymnal, 1853, No. 169. [Rev. William Cooke, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Henry Martyn Dexter

1821 - 1890 Person Name: Dexter Hymnal Number: 446 Translator of "Shepherd of tender youth" in The Hymnal Dexter, Henry Martyn, D.D., born at Plympton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1821, and educated at Yale College, and Andover. In 1844 he was ordained Pastor of a Congregational Church at Manchester, New Haven. In 1849 he removed to the Berkeley Street Congregational Church, Boston, where he remained until his appointment as Editor of the Congregationalist, in 1867. Dr. Dexter is the translator of “Shepherd of tender youth" [see Clemens, Titus], in common usage in Great Britain and America.  [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Hunt Smyttan

1822 - 1870 Person Name: Rev. G. H. Smyttan Hymnal Number: 79 Author of "Forty days and forty nights" in The Hymnal George Hunt Smyttan studied at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and graduated B.A. 1845. He was ordained Deacon in 1848, Priest in 1849, and appointed Rector of Hawksworth in 1850. He has published some small volumes of poetry. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ============================== Smyttan, George Hunt, B.A., son of Dr. Smyttan, of the Bombay Medical Board, was born circa 1825, and educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, B.A. 1845. He took holy orders in 1848, and in 1850 was preferred to the Rectory of Hawksworth, Notts, where he died in 1870. He published Thoughts in Verse for the Afflicted, 1849; Mission Songs and Ballads, 1860; and Florum Sacra, n.d. He was the author of the well-known hymn, "Forty days, and forty nights" (p. 384, i.), and of a second which is found in several collections, "Jesu, ever present with Thy Church below" (Holy Communion), which appeared in the 2nd edition of Lyra Eucharistica, 1864. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Smyttan, G. H., p. 1064, ii., b. in 1822; resigned the Rectory of Hawksworth, 1859, and died suddenly at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Feb. 21, 1870. The Rev. G. W. Mackenzie, Chaplain at Frankfort, has supplied us, under date of April 16, 1902, with the following pathetic details respecting the death and burial-place of Mr. Smyttan:— He was buried, not in Frankfort great Cemetery, but in a newer one on the other side of the river Main. Having died suddenly, and being entirely unknown here, no relatives being with him, and there being no possibility of communicating with them, he was entered simply as Smyttan, England, and buried amongst the poor in an unpurchased grave. I stood before the spot to-day, but all record of him has disappeared. Another cross covers it to the memory of one who died about twenty-five years afterwards, and who is buried above Mr. Smyttan. I was informed that in (I think) sixty years hence, all traces of the various occupants will be entirely cleared away. My informant knew nothing about the cross, if any, which covered Mr. Smyttan's remains. He thought that if there were one it would have been utilised for someone else." We may add that in Lyra Eucharistica there are three hymns by Smyttan in addition to "Jesu, ever present," p. 1064, ii. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Joseph of the Studium

762 - 832 Person Name: St. Joseph of the Studium Hymnal Number: 170 Author of "Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright" in The Hymnal Joseph of the Studium [Joseph of Thessalonica]. This person not the same person wrongly named by Dr. Neale in his Hymns of the Eastern Church as Joseph of the Studium, author of the great Canon for the Ascension. That Joseph is St. Joseph the Hymnographer. Joseph of Thessalonica, younger brother of St. Theodore of the Studium, q.v., was some time Bishop of Thessalonica, and died in prison, after great suffering inflicted by command of Theophilus. He was probably the author of the Triodia in the Triodion, and certainly of five Canons in the Pentecostarion to which his name is prefixed. His pieces have not been translated into English. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Rundle Prynne

1818 - 1903 Person Name: Rev. G. R. Prynne Hymnal Number: 567 Author of "Jesus, meek and gentle" in The Hymnal George Rundle Prynne studied at S. Catherine's College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1839, M.A. 1861. He was ordained Deacon in 1841, and Priest in 1842. He afterwards became Curate of S. Andrew's, Clifton, and entered upon his present incumbency of S. Peter's, Plymouth, in 1848. He has published some sermons and manuals. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ================ Prynne, George Rundle, M.A., son of John Allen Prynne, was born at West Looe, Cornwall, Aug. 23, 1818, and educated at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1839; M.A. 1861. He took Holy Orders in 1841, and became Vicar of St. Peter's, Plymouth, in 1848. He has published Parochial Sermons, 1846; Plain Parochial Sermons, 1856; another series, 1876; The Dying Soldier's Visions, and Other Poems and Hymns, 1881, &c. He also published Hymnal suited for the Services of the Church, 1858. His most popular hymn is “Jesu, meek and gentle,” p. 591, ii. His hymns "The day is done; O God the Son" (Evening), and "Thy glory fills the heavens" (The Glory of the Father), have also been included in a few collections. He died Mar. 25, 1903. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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