Author: Daniel Kauffman, 1865-1944 Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: John 13:14 First Line: We bow to thee, O Lord, on high Refrain First Line: Lord, as this solemn rite we keep Lyrics: 1 We bow to thee, O Lord, on high;
To thee our hearts incline;
Submitting to thy word, we pray,
Thy will be done, not mine.
Lord, as this solemn rite we keep,
With joy we worship thee;
May we with humble hearts, O Lord,
Thy faithful servants be.
2 The highest station here on earth
Is at our Saviour's feet;
'Tis there we learn our Master's will,
We find the mercy seat. [Refrain]
3 Our Saviour, tho' our Master, Lord,
In true humility.
By action taught that we might see
The great must servants be. [Refrain]
4 A pattern he did kindly give
To His disciples true:
He washed their feet, then said to them,
"Do as I've done to you." [Refrain]
5 Then afterwards he said to them,
"Go forth (I go with you),
And teach all nations ev'rything
I've commanded you to do." [Refrain]
6 Then teach us, Lord, to do thy will,
Whatever that may be:
May thy free grace attend us here,
And in eternity. [Refrain] Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; Ordinances Washing the Saints' Feet Used With Tune: GREATFUL SUBMISSION
We Bow to Thee, O Lord