Hymnal: HSOP1852 #150 (1857) Meter: Lyrics: 1 "The Lord is risen indeed.."
And are the tidings true?
Yes, we beheld the Savior bleed,
And saw him living too.
2 "The Lord is risen indeed,"
Then Justice asks no more;
Mercy and Truth are now agreed,
Who stood oppos'd before.
3 "The Lord is risen indeed,"
Then is his work perform'd;
The captive surely now is freed,
And death, our foe, disarm'd.
4 "The Lord is risen indeed!"
Attending angels, hear;
Up to the courts of heav'n, with speed
The joyful tidings bear.
5 Then take your golden lyres,
And strike each cheerful chord,
Join all the bright, celestial choirs
To sing our risen Lord. Languages: English
"The Lord is risen indeed"