Author: John Caspar Mattes, 1876-1948; Johann Franck, 1618-1677 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #374 (1969) Lyrics: 1 Deck thyself with joy and gladness,
Dwell no more, my soul, in sadness;
Let the daylight shine upon thee,
Put thy wedding garment on thee,
For the Lord of life unending
Unto thee His call is sending;
Come, for now the King most holy
Stoops to thee in likeness lowly.
2 Hasten, then, my soul, to meet Him,
Eagerly and gladly greet Him,
As without He standeth knocking,
Quickly, thy soul’s gate unlocking,
Open wide the fast-closed portal,
Saying to the Lord immortal,
Come, and leave Thy servant never,
Dwell within my heart forever.
3 Jesus, Source of life and pleasure,
Truest Friend and dearest Treasure,
Joy, the sweetest man e’er knoweth,
Fount whence all my being floweth,
Humbly now I bow before Thee,
And in penitence adore Thee;
Worthily let me receive Thee,
Perfect peace and pardon give me. Topics: The Life in Christ Joy and Peace in Believing Languages: English Tune Title: UPSALA
Deck Thyself with Joy and Gladness