Author: F. E. Belden Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1343 (1886) Scripture: Matthew 7:21 Lyrics: 1 Shall we stand at His coming, His glorious coming,
When the summer is over, and harvest is past!
When the sheaves of his choosing he takes for his using,
To the glorious kingdom forever to last?
Shall we stand at His coming, His glorious coming,
When he gathers the wheat to his garner above?
When in glory descending, with the angels attending,
He returns for his jewels, the price of his love?
2 When the Archangel's trumpet shall rend the broad heavens,
And the millions who slumber immortal arise,
Shall we stand with the holy, the meek and the lowly,
Who in glory triumphant mount up to the skies? [Chorus]
3 When the loud lamentation breaks forth from creation,
That the day of God's wrath and his fury has come,
Shall we join that sad chorus while death hovers o'er us?
Or in terror unbounded stand trembling and dumb? [Chorus]
4 Then the hope of possession will not be profession,
For the lover of self will his motives behold;
Only they who, obeying, have toiled, striving, praying,
Shall ascend with the saints to the city of gold. [Chorus] Topics: Bible Songs Judgment and Second Advent Tune Title: SHALL WE STAND AT HIS COMING?
Shall we stand at His coming, His glorious coming