Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676; John Wesley, 1703-1791 Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 27:6 Lyrics: 1 Put thou thy trust in God,
in duty's path go on;
walk in his strength with faith and hope,
so shall thy work be done.
2 Commit thy ways to him,
thy works into his hands,
and rest on his unchanging word,
who heav'n and earth commands.
3 Though years on years roll on,
his cov'nant shall endure;
though clouds and darkness hide his path,
the promised grace is sure.
4 Give to the winds thy fears;
hope, and be undismayed:
God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;
God shall lift up thy head.
5 Through waves and clouds and storms
his pow'r will clear thy way:
wait thou his time; the darkest night
shall end in brightest day.
6 Leave to his sov'reign sway
to choose and to command;
so shalt thou, wond'ring, own his way,
how wise, how strong his hand. Topics: Faith, Trust and Commitment; Grace and Providence; Lent; The Journey of Life; Year A Epiphany 3; Year A Proper 13; Year B Bible Sunday; Year C Easter 7; Year C Lent 2; Year C Lent 3; Years A, B, and C Easter Vigil Used With Tune: DONCASTER
Put thou thy trust in God