Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 78 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Now to the haven of thy breast,
O Son of man, I fly;
Be thou my refuge and my rest,
For oh! the storm is high.
3 Protect me from the furious blast;
My shield and shelter be;
Hide me, my Saviour, till o'erpast
The storm of sin I see.
3 As welcome as the water-spring
Is to a barren place,
Jesus, descend on me, and bring
Thy sweet, refreshing grace.
4 As o'er a parched and weary land
A rock extends its shade,
So hide me, Saviour, with thy hand,
And screen my naked head.
5 How swift to save me didst thou move
In every trying hour!
O still protect me with thy love,
And shield me with thy power. Topics: The Christian Guidance and Protection Used With Tune: DUNDEE
Now to the haven of thy breast