Author: Johann Roh, c. 1480-1547; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Matthew 10:17-32 Lyrics: 1 God’s Son came to bless us,
from sin to release us,
as a servant lowly,
yet our God most holy,
bore the cross to save us,
hope and freedom gave us.
2 Still Christ comes within us,
still his voice would win us
from the sins that hurt us,
would to truth convert us;
from our folly spares us,
and his own declares us.
3 So, as you have known him,
be prepared to own him;
do not spurn him coldly,
but still trust him boldly;
for our Lord receives us,
heals us, and forgives us.
4 Christ, all grace possessing,
comes to us in blessing;
to his Supper leads us,
with himself he feeds us,
love and mercy showing,
peace on us bestowing.
5 Come then, O Lord Jesus,
from our bondage free us,
in your love enfold us,
in true faith uphold us.
Let us here confess you,
till in heaven we bless you. Topics: Absolution; Assurance; Eucharist; Forgiveness; General Petition; Healing; Jesus Christ Coming today; Jesus Christ Passion and Cross; Jesus Christ Redeemer; People of God; Personal Response to Jesus; Salvation Used With Tune: GOTTES SOHN IST KOMMEN Text Sources: The Bohemian Brethren (1544)
God’s Son came to bless us