Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.CXL (1766) Lyrics: 1 Mistaken Souls! that dream of Heav'n,
And make their empty Boast,
Of inward Joys, and Sins forgiv'n,
While they are Slaves to Lust.
2 Vain are our Fancies, airy Flights,
If Faith be cold and dead,
None but a living Pow'r unites
To Christ the living Head.
3 'Tis Faith that changes all the Heart,
'Tis Faith that works by Love;
That bids all sinful Joys depart,
And lifts the Thoughts above.
4 'Tis Faith that conquers Earth and Hell,
By a celestial Pow'r;
This is the Grace that shall prevail
In the decisive Hour.
5 Faith must obey her Father's Will,
As well as trust his Grace;
A pard'ning God is jealous still,
For his own Holiness.
6 When from the Curse he sets us free,
He makes our Natures clean,
Nor would He send his Son to be
The Minister of Sin.
7 His Spirit purifies our Frame,
And seals our Peace with God;
Jesus, and his Salvation came
By Water and by Blood. Topics: Faith Living and Dead; Faith triumphing in Christ; Gospel No Liberty to Win; Holiness and Grace; Justification; Love of Christ unchangeable; Saints and Hypocrites Languages: English
Mistaken Souls! that dream of Heav'n