Author: John O. Foster Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Onward the children are marching Refrain First Line: Marching, marching Lyrics: 1 Onward the children are marching,
Onward and upward today;
See how the ranks of the loved ones
Swell as they’re marching away.
Marching, marching,
Marching away,
Marching, marching,
The children are marching today.
2 Onward the children are marching,
Joy freely blending with cheers;
Bright on the folds of their banner,
“Onward” their motto appears. [Chorus]
3 Onward the children are marching,
Gladly their off’rings they bring;
Helping the cause of the Master,
While of His goodness they sing. [Chorus]
4 God bless the army of children
Swelling the ranks of the brave;
Hear them proclaiming the tidings,
Jesus is “Mighty to save.” [Chorus]
Topics: Marching Used With Tune: [Onward the children are marching]
Onward and Upward