Author: William W. Reid, Sr., 1890-1983, alt. Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:8 Lyrics: 1 Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness,
for dull content with warmth and sheltered care,
for songs of praise for worldly wealthiness,
while of your richer gifts we're unaware:
2 Teach us to thank you, Lord, for love and grace,
for life and vision, for a purpose clear,
for Christ, your Son, and for each human face
that shows your message ever new and near.
3 Forgive us, Lord, for selfish thanks and praise,
for words that speak at variance with deeds;
forgive our thanks for walking pleasant ways,
unmindful of a broken brother's needs:
4 Teach us, O Lord, true thankfulness divine,
that gives as Christ gave, never counting cost,
that knows no barrier of "yours" and "mine,"
assured that only what's withheld is lost.
5 Forgive us, Lord, for feast that knows not fast,
for joy in things that meanwhile starve the soul,
for walls and wars that hide Your mercies vast
and blur our vision of the Kingdom goal:
6 Open our eyes to see your love's intent,
to know with minds and hearts its depth and height;
let thankful days in loving labor spent
reflect the truly Christlike life and light.
Topics: Stewardship Used With Tune: SURSUM CORDA
Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness