Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1. In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust,
O put me not to Shame;
Deliver me from threatening Ills,
As righteous is thy Name.
2. Bow down thy gracious Ear, let me
Deliv'rance speedy gain;
Be my strong Rock, and shelt'ring Tow'r,
Where I may safe remain
3. For thou my Rock, and Fortress, art;
For thy Name's Sake me guide.
4. O pull me from their private Snares;
Thou do'st my Strength abide.
5. Into thine Hands, almighty God,
My Spirit I commit;
Lord God of Truth, who to redeem
Hast never fail'd me yet.
6. Who lying Vanities regard,
I always have abhor'd;
But ever, in my greatest Straights,
Have trusted in the Lord.
7. With Joy, and Gladness, I'll record
The Mercies thou hast shown;
For thou hast mine Affliction seen,
My Soul in Trouble known.
8. Thou hast not shut me in the Pow'r
Of a false treach'rous Race;
But set my Feet at Liberty
In an enlarged Place.
Second Part
9. O Lord, have Mercy upon me,
My Trouble on me preys;
Mine Eyes consume, my Spirits fail,
My Strength with Grief decays.
10. My Life is spent with Grief, my Years
Consume in Sighs, and Groans;
My Sins have rob'd me of my Strength,
And wasted all my Bones.
11. By all my Foes, and Neighbours too,
I in Reproach was had;
I was a Terror to my Friends,
When I drew near, they fled,
12. I am forgot, like one that's dead,
Whose Name, and Memory's lost;
Like earthen Vessels that are broke,
Away, as useless, tost.
13. Their many Slanders I have heard;
Just Fears about me spread,
While they took Counsel, and devis'd,
My guiltless Blood to shed.
14. I said, thou art my God, my Trust,
"I in Thee, Lord repose;
15. "My Times are in thine Hand, defend
"Me from pursuing Foes.
16. The Brightness of thy Face to shine
On me, thy Servant, make;
And thy Salvation to me grant,
For thy free Mercy's Sake.
17. Let me not be asham'd, O Lord,
Whose Pity still I crave;
But let the Wicked be asham'd,
And silent in the Grave.
18. Silence their false reviling Tongues,
Which grievous Slanders vent;
In Arrogance, and high Contempt,
Against the Innocent.
Third Part
19. How wondrous great's thy Goodness Lord,
Reserved for the Just;
Which thou hast wrought, before the World,
For all in Thee, who trust.
20. Thou in thy Presence shalt them skreen,
From all the Sons of Pride;
And cover'd from the Strife of Tongues
In thy Pavilion hide.
2I. Forever blessed be the Lord,
For wondrous Kindness shown;
When threatening Dangers me enclos'd,
Within a fenced Town.
22. For then in Hast, I rashly said,
"I'm banish'd from thine Eyes;
Yet thou hast heard my groaning Voice,
And answered all my Cries.
23. O love the Lord, all ye his Saints,
Who doth the Faithful guard;
But on proud Doers justly heaps
A plentifull Reward.
24. Then let your Courage firm remain,
In his ne'er failing Word;
Confirm your Hearts, all ye whose Hope
Is fixed on the Lord.
In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust