Appears in 27 hymnalsFirst Line: There is a dear and hallowed spotRefrain First Line: That place is CalvaryUsed With Tune: [There is a dear and hallowed spot]
Appears in 26 hymnalsFirst Line: Oh! how my spirit longs for theeRefrain First Line: Beautiful home aboveUsed With Tune: [Oh! how my spirit longs for thee]
Author: J. E. Rankin, D.D.Appears in 10 hymnalsFirst Line: There is peace only in His nameRefrain First Line: Name of JesusUsed With Tune: [There is peace only in His name]
Author: E. A. H.Appears in 12 hymnalsFirst Line: Lord, my heart is bruised and bleedingRefrain First Line: All my guilt and sin confessingUsed With Tune: [Lord, my heart is bruised and bleeding]
Author: Grace GlennAppears in 35 hymnalsFirst Line: When as of old, in her sadnessRefrain First Line: Calling, callingUsed With Tune: [When as of old, in her sadness]
Author: E. A. HoffmanAppears in 10 hymnalsFirst Line: 'Tis the hallowed hour of pray'rRefrain First Line: Precious hour of pray'r, hallowed hour of pray'rUsed With Tune: ['Tis the hallowed hour of pray'r]