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Hymnal, Number:pdil1740

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Showing 111 - 120 of 339Results Per Page: 102050
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Man's Mortality, and Christ's Eternity; or, Saints die, but Christ and the Church live

Appears in 50 hymnals First Line: It is the Lord our Saviour's Hand Lyrics: 1 It is the Lord our Saviour's Hand Weakens our Strength amidst the Race; Disease and Death at his Command Arrest us, and cut short our Days. 2 Spare us, O Lord, aloud we pray, Nor let our Sun go down at Noon; Thy Years are one eternal Day, And must thy Children die so soon? 3 Yet in the Midst of Death and Grief This Thought our Sorrow should asswage; "Our Father and our Saviour live; "Christ is the same through ev'ry Age." 4 'Twas he this Earth's Foundation laid; Heav'n is the Building of his Hand; This Earth grows old, these Heav'ns shall fade, And all be chang'd at his Command. 5 The starry Curtains of the Sky, Like Garments shall be laid aside; But still thy Throne stands firm on high; Thy Church for ever must abide. 6 Before thy Face thy Church shall live, And on thy Throne thy Children reign; This dying World shall they survive, And the dead Saints be rais'd again. Topics: Afflicted their prayer; Afflicted very great; Christ his Godhead; Christ the eternal Creator; Church restored by prayer; Complaint general; God Eternal and Man mortal; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation; Praise for hearing prayer; Prayer Heard and Sion restored; Saints die but Christ lives Scripture: Psalm 102:23-28
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God's gentle Chastisement; or His tender Mercy to his People

Appears in 93 hymnals First Line: The Lord, how wond'rous are his Ways! Lyrics: 1 The Lord, how wond'rous are his Ways! How firm his Truth! how large his Grace! He takes his Mercy for his Throne, And thence he makes his Glories known. 2 Not half so high his Pow'r hath spread The starry Heav'ns above our Head, As his rich Love exceeds our Praise, Exceeds the highest Hopes we raise. 3 Not half so far hath Nature plac'd The rising Morning from the West, As his forgiving Grace removes The daily Guilt of those he loves. 4 How slowly doth his Wrath arise! On swifter Wings Salvation flies; And if he lets his Anger burn, How soon his Frowns to Pity turn! 5 Amidst his Wrath Compassion shines; His Strokes are lighter than our Sins; And while his Rod corrects his Saints, His Ear indulges their Complaints. 6 So Fathers their young Sons chastise With gentle Hands and melting Eyes; The Children weep beneath the Smart, And move the Pity of their Heart. Pause. 7 The mighty GOD, the Wise and Just, Knows that our Frame is feeble Dust; And will no heavy Loads impose Beyond the Strength that he bestows. 8 He knows how soon our Nature dies, Blasted by ev'ry Wind that flies; Like Grass we spring, and die as soon, As Morning Flow'rs that fade at Noon. 9 But his eternal Love is sure To all the Saints, and shall endure; From Age to Age his Truth shall reign, Nor Children's Children hope in vain. Topics: Afflicted gentle; Angels praise the Lord; Compassion of God; God his universal dominion; God mercy and truth; Goodness of God; Mercies common and special; Mercies spiritual and temporal Scripture: Psalm 103:8-18
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Intemperance punished and pardoned; or, A Psalm for the Glutton and the Drunkard

Appears in 32 hymnals First Line: Vain Man on foolish Pleasures bent Lyrics: 1 Vain Man, on foolish Pleasures bent, Prepares for his own Punishment; What Pains, what loathsome Maladies, From Luxury and Lust arise! 2 The Drunkard feels his Vitals waste; Yet drowns his Health to please his Taste; Till all his active Pow'rs are lost, And fainting Life draws near the Dust. 3 The Glutton groans, and loaths to eat, His Soul abhors delicious Meat; Nature, with heavy Loads opprest, Would yield to death to be releas'd. 4 Then how the frighted Sinners fly To GOD for Help with earnest Cry! He hears their Groans, prolongs their Breath, And saves them from approaching death. 5 No Med'cines could effect the Cure So quick, so easy, or so sure; The deadly Sentence GOD repeals, He sends his sov'reign Word, and heals. 6 O may the Sons of Men record The wond'rous Goodness of the Lord! And let their thankful Off'rings prove How they adore their Maker's Love. Topics: Church restored by prayer; Colonies Planted; Creation and Providence; Deliverance from shipwreck; Drunkard and Glutton; Intemperance pardoned; Isreal punished and pardoned; Isreal saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Isreal Travels in the Wilderness; Luxury pardoned; Mariners Psalm; Mercies recorded; Nation blest and punished; New-England Psalm; Providence in Air, Earth and Sea; Providence recorded; Saints conducted to heaven; Saints punished and pardoned; Seaman's Song; Weather Scripture: Psalm 107
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Deliverance from Storms and Shipwreck; or, The Seaman's Song

Appears in 64 hymnals First Line: Would you behold the Works of God Lyrics: 1 Would you behold the Works of God, His Wonders in the World abroad, Go with the Mariners, and trace The unknown Regions of the Seas. 2 They leave their native Shores behind, And seize the Favour of the Wind; Till GOD commands, and Tempests rise That heave the Ocean to the Skies. 3 Now to the Heav'ns they mount amain, Now sink to dreadful Deeps again; What strange Affrights young Sailors feel, And like a staggering drunkard reel! 4 When Land is far, and Death is nigh, Lost to all Hope, to GOD they cry; His Mercy hears the loud Address, And sends Salvation in distress. 5 He bids the Winds their Wrath asswage, The furious Waves forget their Rage; 'Tis calm; and Sailors smile to see The Haven where they wish'd to be. 6 O may the Sons of Men record The wond'rous Goodness of the Lord! Let them their private Off'rings bring, And in the Church his Glory sing. Topics: Church restored by prayer; Colonies Planted; Creation and Providence; Deliverance from shipwreck; Drunkard and Glutton; Intemperance pardoned; Isreal punished and pardoned; Isreal saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Isreal Travels in the Wilderness; Luxury pardoned; Mariners Psalm; Mercies recorded; Nation blest and punished; New-England Psalm; Providence in Air, Earth and Sea; Providence recorded; Saints conducted to heaven; Saints punished and pardoned; Seaman's Song; Weather Scripture: Psalm 107
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The Mariners Psalm

Appears in 76 hymnals First Line: Thy Works of Glory, mighty Lord Lyrics: 1 Thy Works of Glory, mighty Lord, Thy Wonders in the Deeps, The Sons of Courage shall record Who trade in floating ships. 2 At thy Command the Winds arise, And swell the tow'ring Waves; The Men astonish'd mount the Skies, And sink in gaping Graves. 3 [Again they climb the watry Hills, And plunge in Deeps again; Each like a tott'ring Drunkard reels, And finds his Courage vain. 4 Frighted to hear the Tempest roar, They pant with flutt'ring Breath; And hopeless of the distant Shore, Expect immediate death.] 5 Then to the Lord they raise their Cries; He hears the loud Request, And orders Silence through the Skies, And lays the Floods to rest. 6 Sailors rejoice to lose their Fears, And see the Storm allay'd: Now to their Eyes the Port appears; There let their vows be paid. 7 'Tis GOD, that brings them safe to Land; Let stupid Mortals know That Waves are under his Command, And all the Winds that blow. 8 O that the Sons of Men would praise The Goodness of the Lord! And those that see thy wond'rous Ways, Thy wond'rous Love record. Topics: Church restored by prayer; Colonies Planted; Creation and Providence; Deliverance from shipwreck; Drunkard and Glutton; Intemperance pardoned; Isreal punished and pardoned; Isreal saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Isreal Travels in the Wilderness; Luxury pardoned; Mariners Psalm; Mercies recorded; Nation blest and punished; New-England Psalm; Providence in Air, Earth and Sea; Providence recorded; Saints conducted to heaven; Saints punished and pardoned; Seaman's Song; Weather Scripture: Psalm 107
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Christ exalted, and Multitudes converted; or, The Success of the Gospel

Appears in 80 hymnals First Line: Thus the eternal Father spake Lyrics: 1 Thus the eternal Father spake To Christ the Son; "Ascend and sit "At my Right hand, till I shall make "Thy foes submissive at thy Feet. 2 "From Sion shall thy Word proceed; "Thy Word, the Scepter in thy Hand, "Shall make the Hearts of Rebels bleed, "And bow their Wills to thy Command. 3 "That day shall shew thy Pow'r is great, "When Saints shall flock with willing Minds, "And Sinners croud thy Temple Gate, "Where Holiness in Beauty shines." 4 O blessed Pow'r! O glorious Day! What a large Vict'ry shall ensue! And Converts, who thy Grace obey, Exceed the Drops of Morning Dew. Topics: Ascension of Christ; Christ his mediatorial kingdom; Christ Priest and King; Conversion at the ascension of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Gospel its glory and success Scripture: Psalm 110
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The Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ

Appears in 20 hymnals First Line: Thus the great Lord of Earth and Sea Lyrics: 1 Thus the great Lord of Earth and Sea, Spake to his Son, and thus he swore; "Eternal shall thy Priesthood be, "And change from Hand to Hand no more. 2 "Aaron, and all his sSns must die; "But everlasting Life is thine, "To save for ever those that fly "For Refuge from the Wrath divine. 3 "By me Melchizedek was made "On Earth a King and Priest at once; "And thou, my heav'nly Priest, shalt plead; "And thou, my King, shalt rule my Sons." 4 Jesus the Priest ascends his Throne, While Counsels of eternal Peace, Between the Father and the Son, Proceed with Honour and Success. 5 Through the whole Earth his Reign shall spread, And crush the Pow'rs that dare rebel; Then shall he judge the rising Dead, And send the guilty World to hell. 6 Though while he treads his glorious Way, He drinks the Cup of tears and Blood, The Suff'rings of that dreadful Day Shall but advance him near to GOD. Scripture: Psalm 110
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Miracles attending Israel's Journey

Appears in 49 hymnals First Line: When Isr'el, freed from Pharaoh's Hand Lyrics: 1 When Isr'el, freed from Pharaoh's Hand, Left the proud Tyrant, and his Land, The Tribes with chearful Homage own Their King, and Judah was his Throne. 2 Across the Deep their Journey lay; The Deep divides to make them Way; Jordan beheld their March, and fled With backward Current to his Head. 3 The Mountains shook like frighted Sheep, Like Lambs the little Hillocks leap! Not Sinai on her base could stand, Conscious of sov'reign Pow'r at Hand. 4 What Pow'r could make the Deep divide? Make Jordan backward roll his Tide? Why did ye leap, ye little Hills? And whence the Fright that Sinai feels? 5 Let ev'ry Mountain, ev'ry Flood, Retire and know th' approaching GOD, The King of Isr'el: see him here: Tremble thou Earth, adore and fear. 6 He thunders, and all Nature mourns; The Rock to standing Pools he turns; Flints spring with Fountains at his Word, And Fires and Seas confess the Lord. Topics: Isreal Travels in the Wilderness; Ministers ordained Scripture: Psalm 114
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Popish Idolatry reproved: a Psalm for the 5th of November

Appears in 61 hymnals First Line: Not to our Names, thou only Just and True Lyrics: 1 Not to our Names, thou only Just and True, Not to our worthless Names is Glory due; Thy Pow'r & Grace, thy Truth & Justice, claim Immortal Honours to thy sov'reign Name. Shine through the earth from Heav'n, thy blest Abode Nor let the Heathens say, "And where's your God? 2 Heav'n is thine higher Court: There stands thy throne, And thro' the lower Worlds thy Will is done; Our God fram'd all this Earth, these Heav'ns he spread, But Fools adore the Gods their Hands have made. The kneeling Crowd, with Looks devout, behold Their Silver Saviours, and their Saints of Gold. 3 [Vain are those artful Shapes of Eyes and Ears; The molten Image neither sees nor hears; Their Hands are helpless, nor their Feet can move, They have no Speech, nor Thought, nor Pow'r, nor Love; Yet sottish Mortals make their long Complaints To their deaf Idols and their moveless Saints. 4 The Rich have Statues well adorn'd with Gold, The Poor content with Gods of coarser Mould, With Tools of Iron carve the senseless Stock, Lopt from a Tree, or broken from a Rock; People and Priest drive on the solemn Trade, And trust the Gods, that Saws and Hammers made.] 5 Be Heav'n and Earth amaz'd! 'Tis hard to say Which is more stupid, or their Gods, or they, O Isr'el, trust the Lord: He hears and sees, He knows thy Sorrows and restores thy Peace; His Worship does a thousand Comforts yield, He is thy Help, and he thy heav'nly Shield. 6 O Britain, trust the Lord: Thy foes in vain Attempt thy Ruin, and oppose his Reign; Had they prevail'd, Darkness had clos'd our Days, And Death and Silence had forbid his Praise; But we are sav'd, and live; Let Songs arise, And Britons bless the GOD that built the Skies. Topics: God our Defense and Salvation; Idolatry reproved; November the 5th Scripture: Psalm 115
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Vows made in Trouble paid in the Church; or, public Thanks for private Deliverance

Appears in 293 hymnals First Line: What shall I render to my GOD Lyrics: 1 What shall I render to my GOD, For all his Kindness shown? My Feet shall visit thine Abode, My Songs address thy Throne. 2 Among the Saints that fill thine House My Off'ring shall be paid; There shall my Zeal perform the Vows, My Soul in Anguish made. 3 How much is Mercy thy Delight, Thou ever blessed GOD! How dear thy Servants in they Sight! How precious is their Blood! 4 How happy all thy Servants are! How great thy Grace to me! My Life, which thou hast made thy Care, Lord, I devote to Thee. 5 Now I am Thine, for ever Thine, Nor shall my Purpose move; Thy Hand has loos'd my Bonds of Pain, And bound me with thy Love. 6 Here in thy Courts I leave my Vow, And thy rich Grace record; Witness, ye Saints, who hear me now, If I forsake the Lord. Topics: Praise for health restored; Public Thanks for private Mercies; Recovery from Sickness; Sickness healed; Vows paid in Church Scripture: Psalm 116:12-19


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