Appears in 61 hymnals First Line: Not to our Names, thou only Just and True Lyrics: 1 Not to our Names, thou only Just and True,
Not to our worthless Names is Glory due;
Thy Pow'r & Grace, thy Truth & Justice, claim
Immortal Honours to thy sov'reign Name.
Shine through the earth from Heav'n, thy blest Abode
Nor let the Heathens say, "And where's your God?
2 Heav'n is thine higher Court: There stands thy throne,
And thro' the lower Worlds thy Will is done;
Our God fram'd all this Earth, these Heav'ns he spread,
But Fools adore the Gods their Hands have made.
The kneeling Crowd, with Looks devout, behold
Their Silver Saviours, and their Saints of Gold.
3 [Vain are those artful Shapes of Eyes and Ears;
The molten Image neither sees nor hears;
Their Hands are helpless, nor their Feet can move,
They have no Speech, nor Thought, nor Pow'r, nor Love;
Yet sottish Mortals make their long Complaints
To their deaf Idols and their moveless Saints.
4 The Rich have Statues well adorn'd with Gold,
The Poor content with Gods of coarser Mould,
With Tools of Iron carve the senseless Stock,
Lopt from a Tree, or broken from a Rock;
People and Priest drive on the solemn Trade,
And trust the Gods, that Saws and Hammers made.]
5 Be Heav'n and Earth amaz'd! 'Tis hard to say
Which is more stupid, or their Gods, or they,
O Isr'el, trust the Lord: He hears and sees,
He knows thy Sorrows and restores thy Peace;
His Worship does a thousand Comforts yield,
He is thy Help, and he thy heav'nly Shield.
6 O Britain, trust the Lord: Thy foes in vain
Attempt thy Ruin, and oppose his Reign;
Had they prevail'd, Darkness had clos'd our Days,
And Death and Silence had forbid his Praise;
But we are sav'd, and live; Let Songs arise,
And Britons bless the GOD that built the Skies. Topics: God our Defense and Salvation; Idolatry reproved; November the 5th Scripture: Psalm 115
Popish Idolatry reproved: a Psalm for the 5th of November