Author: Rev. Noah Young Hymnal: KS1914 #120 (1914) First Line: Sinner will you come to Jesus Refrain First Line: Glory! glory! Hallelujah! Lyrics: 1 Sinner will you come to Jesus,
Will you come and be made whole?
As you come your sin confessing,
He will sweetly save your soul;
He is waiting to forgive you,
Then on Him your burden roll,
He will free from condemnation,
And in love your life control.
Glory! glory! Hallelujah!
For salvation full and free!
Purchased by the blood of Jesus,
Which was shed on Calvary;
There the cleansing fount was opened,
As they pierc’d Him on the tree,
It has pow’r to cleanse the foulest,
And avails for you and me.
2 Seek the purifying fountain,
In the Saviour’s pierced side,
From your sin and guilt it cleanseth,
As you plunge beneath its tide;
And the gracious invitation,
Is extended far and wide,
‘Tis the gospel “Whosoever,”
“Come to Me, in Me abide.” [Chorus]
3 When you find that you are erring,
When the struggle seems in vain,
And to know that you are guilty,
Brings you much distress and pain;
If you cast your all on Jesus,
He will give you pow’r to reign,
And will cleanse you from pollution,
Washing out the crimson stain. [Chorus]
4 Christ will keep your feet from straying,
He will lead you by the hand,
And will bring you safe to glory,
With the blood-washed you shall stand;
They will come from ev’ry nation,
They will come from sea and land,
There to sing and shout forever,
As a holy, happy band. [Chorus]
Languages: English Tune Title: [Sinner will you come to Jesus]
The Purifying Fountain