Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 43 Lyrics: 1 Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes
Do Thou assert my Right,
Oh set me free, my GOD, from those
Who in Deceit delight;
Since thou'rt my only Stay,
Why mourn I all the Day?
Why leav'st thou me in deep Distress,
While daring Foes my Soul oppress?
2 Let me with Light and Truth be bless'd,
O let them lead the Way,
'Till on thy holy Hill I rest,
And in thy Temple pray;
Fresh Altars then I'll raise
To GOD; and Songs of Praise
To him, who is my only Joy,
Shall all my grateful Hours employ.
3 Why then cast down my Soul, and why
So much oppress'd with Care?
On GOD, thy GOD, for Aid rely,
Who will thy State repair:
On him alone depend,
For he's thy surest Friend;
And then his Praise thou yet shalt sing,
Who is thy Health's eternal Spring. Topics: Prayers When deprived ot the Opportunitys of attending in God's House; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Used With Tune: [Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes]
Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes