Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: John 14:23-31 Lyrics: 1 How bless'd are they who love the Lord
And seek his will to do;
they have his promise and his word,
That he will love them too.
2 The Holy Spirit shall reveal
The gracious will of God--
And thus their hearts shall know and feel
The worth of Jesus' blood.
3 That which the world cannot receive,
The peace of God within;
Is the reward to all who b'lieve
And strive to conquer sin.
4 The Holy Ghost, with heav'nly grace,
And blessings from above:
Will make such hearts his dwelling place
And fill the soul with love.
5 He will for ever there abide,
To all their wants attend;
To be their counsel and their guide,
Their safe guard and their friend.
6 O happy, where such grace divine,
Can have its real abode;
O may such treasurs too be mine:
Those precious gifts of God. Topics: Whitsunday
How bless'd are they who love the Lord