Author: Thomas Olivers, 1725 - 99 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #410 (1958) Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise,
Who reigns enthroned above;
Ancient of everlasting days,
And God of love;
To him uplift your voice,
At whose supreme command
From earth we rise, and seek the joys
At his right hand.
2 Though nature's strength decay,
And earth and hell withstand,
To Canaan's bound we urge our way
At his command.
The watery deep we pass,
With Jesus in our view;
And through the howling wilderness
Our way pursue. A-men.
3 The goodly land we see
With peace and plenty blest;
A land of sacred liberty
And endless rest;
There milk and honey flow,
And oil and wine abound,
And trees of life for ever grow,
With mercy crowned.
4 There dwells the Lord our King,
The Lord our Righteousness,
Triumphant o'er the world and sin,
The Prince of Peace;
On Zion's sacred height
His kingdom He maintains,
And glorious with his saints in light
For ever reigns.
5 Before the great Three-One
They all exulting stand,
And tell the wonders he hath done
Through all their land;
The listening spheres attend
And swell the growing frame,
And sing, in songs which never end,
The wondrous Name.
6 The God who reigns on high
The great archangels sing,
And, 'Holy, holy, holy,' cry,
'Almighty King,
Who was, and is, the same,
And evermore shall be:
Eternal Father, great I AM,
We worship thee.'
7 Before the Saviour's face
The ransomed nations bow,
O'erwhelmed at his almighty grace,
Forever new;
He shows his prints of love:
They kindle to a flame,
And sound through all the worlds above,
'Worthy the Lamb.'
8 The whole triumphant host
Give thanks to God on high;
'Hail, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!'
They ever cry;
Hail, Abraham's God, and mine!
I join the heavenly lays.
All might and majesty are thine,
And endless praise!
Amen. Topics: The Church Year Trinity Sunday - The Holy Trinity; The Church Worship - In The Presence; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Languages: English Tune Title: LEONI (YIGDAL)
The God of Abraham praise