Person Results

Meter: with refrain

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Ken Barker

b. 1955 Meter: with refrain Arranger (Choral ending) of "GLORIA" in The Celebration Hymnal

Skinner Chávez-Melo

1944 - 1992 Meter: with refrain Composer of "RAQUEL" in Hinário para o Culto Cristão Skinner Chavez-Melo, an organist, conductor and composer who was music director at the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church in Manhattan, died on Saturday at New York Downtown Hospital. He was 47 years old and lived in Manhattan. He died of spinal cancer, said his brother, Juan Francisco. Mr. Chavez-Melo was born in Mexico City, but completed his musical studies in the United States, receiving degrees at Eastern Nazarene College and the Union Theological Seminary, and pursuing further studies at the Juilliard School and the Manhattan School. He toured internationally as an organist and conducted orchestras in Mexico, Brazil and the United States. As a composer, he wrote works for organ, choir and orchestra, and contributed hymn settings to several published hymnals, including those of the United Church of Christ and Yale University. He also lectured and presented workshops on Hispanic church music. Besides directing music at St. Rose, Mr. Chavez-Melo conducted the annual Singing Christmas Tree concerts at the South Street Seaport.

Charles Wood

1866 - 1926 Person Name: Charles Wood, 1866-1926 Meter: with refrain Arranger of "BRANSLE DE L'OFFICIAL" in Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New

Geoff Weaver

b. 1943 Meter: with refrain Arranger of "LOE DE ÍSÁ" in Glory to God

John A. Dalles

b. 1954 Meter: with refrain Author of "All Who Live upon the Earth" in We Turn to God Born: Sep­tem­ber 13, 1954, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia. A lifelong Pres­by­ter­i­an, John Dalles has lived in Pitts­burgh, Coates­ville, Lan­cas­ter, and State Coll­ege, Penn­syl­van­ia; and South Bend, In­di­a­na. He re­ceived the Ba­che­lor of Sci­ence in Ar­chi­tect­ure from Penn­syl­van­ia State in 1976. While en­gaged in a se­mes­ter abroad in Pet­worth, Eng­land, he sensed a call to the min­is­try. An ar­chi­tect­ur­al de­sign­er be­fore di­vin­i­ty stu­dies, he re­ceived the Mas­ter of Di­vin­ity from Lan­cas­ter The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry in 1982. Dur­ing sem­in­a­ry, he served as a re­source con­sult­ant for the orig­in­al Par­ish Re­source Cen­ter in Lan­cas­ter. Ordained in High­land Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Lan­cas­ter, on Au­gust 1, 1982, John’s first call was to serve the First Pres­by­ter­i­an Church of South Bend, In­di­a­na, as as­so­ci­ate pas­tor. Re­spons­i­bil­i­ties there in­clud­ed wor­ship lead­er­ship and preach­ing, ad­min­is­tra­tion of mis­sion and me­mor­i­al en­dow­ment dis­burse­ment for mis­sion (over $130,000 an­nu­al­ly), min­is­ter for ed­u­ca­tion and pas­tor­al care (Di­a­con­ate), co­ord­in­at­or of new mem­ber out­reach and staff li­ai­son to the church owned res­i­dent camp. He served the area coun­cil of re­li­gious or­gan­iz­a­tions, was a mem­ber of the Wor­ship Task Force and Di­sci­ple­ship/Church Life Com­mit­tee of Wa­bash Val­ley Pres­by­te­ry, mem­ber and awards chair­man of the St. Jo­seph Coun­ty Schol­ar­ship Foun­da­tion, and found­ing mem­ber of Notre Dame Ci­vi­tan and the South Bend, In­di­a­na, Hab­i­tat for Hu­man­i­ty. In De­cem­ber 1986, Dalles was called to Fox Cha­pel Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia, where his du­ties in­clud­ed wor­ship lead­er­ship and preach­ing, pro­gram­ming for spir­it­u­al growth, con­gre­ga­tion­al life, ad­min­is­tra­tion of pas­tor­al care, adult ed­u­ca­tion, Ste­phen Min­is­try, and new mem­ber out­reach (with an­nu­al mem­ber­ship in­creas­es of 100 or more). In May 1994, Dalles received the Doc­tor of Min­is­try de­gree from Pitt­sburgh The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry for his work in the ar­ea of pas­tor­al lead­er­ship in the mul­ti­-staff church. While at Fox Cha­pel, he in­sti­tut­ed an an­nu­al com­mun­i­ty pray­er break­fast, served on the Pres­by­te­ry’s Prepa­ra­tion for Min­is­try Com­mit­tee, and as li­ai­son to an ar­ea re­hab­ilita­tion cen­ter. He wrote and edited In Life and Death We Be­long to God, the Pres­by­ter­i­an Church (U.S.A.) stu­dy re­source on end-of-life is­sues. Since May 1997, Dalles has served as pas­tor and head of staff of We­ki­va Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Or­lan­do, Flor­i­da, an ac­tive and grow­ing con­gre­ga­tion in its 26th year. Ac­comp­lish­ments dur­ing his pas­tor­ate have in­clud­ed a ma­jor cap­it­al and fa­cil­i­ties ex­pansion, growth in new mem­bers, and the im­ple­ment­a­tion of new staff­ing and pro­grams at ev­ery le­vel of the con­gre­ga­tion’s life. He has chaired the The­ol­o­gy and Wor­ship Com­mit­tee of Cen­tral Flor­i­da Pres­by­te­ry for the past three years. Dalles has writ­ten num­er­ous ar­ti­cles and ma­ny pub­lished hymn texts. His hymns "Come, O Spir­it" and "God Bless Your Church with Strength!" are in the 1990 Pres­by­ter­i­an Hym­nal. His lyr­ics are al­so in: The New Cen­tu­ry Hym­nal, The Mo­rav­i­an Book of Wor­ship, Wor­ship To­ge­ther (Men­non­ite Breth­ren), The Co­ve­nant Hym­nal (Evan­gel­ica­l Co­ven­ant Church), The Book of Praise (Pres­by­ter­i­an Church in Ca­na­da) and The Aus­tral­ian Book of Praise II. He has written anniversary hymn texts, in­clud­ing: Pres­by­ter­i­an Heritage Sun­day, Augsburg, Goshen, Maryville, Tusculum, Wilson and Knox Coll­eges, Amer­i­can Un­i­ver­si­ty, Pittsburgh and Lancaster Seminaries, Peachtree Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, the Lu­ther­an World Federa­tion and the Pres­by­ter­i­an Associa­tion of Mu­sicians. A mem­ber of the Hymn Society, he has been listed in na­tional and world editions of Who’s Who since 1997. Two of his an­thems are on a CD by com­pos­er Bob Moore en­ti­tled "Like a Whis­per in the Heart." His other works in­clude: Swift Cur­rents and Still Wa­ters (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: GIA Pub­li­ca­tions, 2000) Lyrics-- As Christ the Lit­tle Child­ren Blessed Bless the Ones Who Nur­ture Child­ren Change Your Church, O God, to Be Come, O Spir­it God Bless the Work Your Peo­ple Do God, Bless Your Church with Strength! God Is the One Who Calls God, Re­new Us by Your Spir­it! May God’s Love Be Fixed Above You O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace O Seek the Lord in Pray­er © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

María Eugenia Cornou

b. 1969 Person Name: María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Meter: with refrain Translator of "Jesus, the Light of the World (Cristo del mundo es la luz)" in Santo, Santo, Santo

Joel Navarro

b. 1955 Meter: with refrain Arranger of "KALINGA" in Glory to God Joel Navarro (b. 1955) is a professor of music at Singapore Bible College. Until 2014 he taught at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, teaching conducting and directing campus choirs. As the recipient of numerous awards in performance and education in his native Philippines, he is widely known as a conductor, educator, clinician, lecturer, writer, singer, recording artist, composer, arranger, stage actor, record producer, and music consultant. An active performer of music from different eras and ethnic traditions, he takes an ardent interest in post modern music and the music traditions and liturgies of the world. Navarro earned a master of music degree in choral conducting from the University of the Philippines and a doctor of musical arts degree in conducting at Michigan State University. He is known internationally as the former music director and conductor of the Ateneo de Manila University Glee Club, which has amassed a string of top prizes during the past 20 years in choral competitions worldwide. He also was a member of the 12 member editorial team for Lift Up Your Hearts. Lift Up Your Hearts (

Sally Ann Morris

Meter: with refrain Composer of "TENEBRAE" in Glory to God

Carol Ann Doran

1936 - 2023 Person Name: Carol Doran Meter: with refrain Composer of "GOD'S NAMES" in The United Methodist Hymnal Carol Doran was a musician, author, scholar, loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She was also a woman of unwavering faith, integrity, kindness, curiosity, beauty, good humor, and fearlessness who inspired those she loved and who loved her so much in return. Carol’s early exposure to the study of music became a lifelong passion and professional dedication as she went on to earn a Doctor of Music Arts degree in Church Music and Organ at The Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. Dr. Doran taught and was a professor of Music and Liturgy at Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall in Rochester, New York; Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia; the School of Theology at Boston University; Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA, and many others. Additionally, she served with distinction on the boards of many professional organizations of musicians and liturgists. Carol published numerous articles on church music and worship and collaborated with the Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Troeger in the publication of four books, including two hymnals published by Oxford University Press. Carol and Michael Doran were married for more than 59 years, the majority of which were spent in Rochester, NY where they raised their four children: Charles, Julia, Ellen, and Elizabeth. Carol cared deeply about her family, and she extended that joyful compassion to friends, associates, and every person that she encountered in her life. Carol celebrated the lives that her children and their families were living and showed her love in a million different ways throughout her life. When she saw you, whether to say hello or goodbye, she proclaimed her love with a warm, lingering handshake or hug; her loving kindness in her eyes and in the smile you could trust and take as the gift she gave you. Above all, she was devoted to her husband, Michael, and he to her. Carol is survived by her loving husband, Michael of North Andover, MA; sister Ellen Buerklin of Chester, PA; brother Norman (& Patty) Maynard, MA; son Charles (& Cara) Ipswich, MA.; daughters Julia Chambers (& Eddy) Escondido, CA; Ellen Bzomowski (& Steve) Plainfield, MA; Elizabeth Evenson (& Paul) Arlington, MA; and nine grandchildren: Zoe, Lucas, Alexander, Ava, Kyle, Theo, Valerie, Kira, and Elias. We love you and we will miss you always. Funeral service will be offered on Thursday November 9,2023 at 11:00 a.m. in The Parish of Christ Church, 35 Central Street, Andover, MA. A reception will follow at the church. Obituary

L. Lambillotte

1796 - 1855 Person Name: Louis Lambillotte, SJ, 1796-1855 Meter: with refrain Composer of "BEAUTIFUL MOTHER" in Journeysongs (3rd ed.)


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