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Hymnal, Number:sdah1886

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Lo, he cometh! countless trumpets

Author: John Cennick Appears in 157 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lo, he cometh! countless trumpets Christ's appearance usher in: 'Midst ten thousand saints and angels See our Judge and Saviour shine: Hallelujah! hallelujah! Welcome, welcome, Lamb once slain. 2 Now the song of all the ransomed, "Worthy is the Lamb," resounds; Now resplendent shine his nail-prints Every eye shall see his wounds; Great his glory, great his glory! Every knee to him shall bow, 3 Every island, sea, and mountain, Earth and heaven flee away; All his enemies confounded Hear the trump proclaim his day: Come to judgment! come to judgment! Stand before the Son of man. 4 All who love him view his glory, In his bright, once-marred face: Jesus cometh; all his people Now their heads with gladness raise: Happy mourners! happy mourners! Lo, on clouds he comes, he comes! 5 See redemption, long expected, On that awful day appear; All his people, once despised, Joyful meet him in the air: Hallelujah! hallelujah! Saviour, now thy kingdom comes. Topics: Second Advent Executive Judgment Used With Tune: JUDGMENT
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Lo, what a glorious sight appears

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 288 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lo, what a glorious sight appears To our believing eyes! The earth and seas are passed away, And the old rolling skies. 2 From the third heaven, where God resides, That holy, happy place, The New Jerusalem comes down, Adorned with shining grace. 3 Attending angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing; Ye saints, behold the sacred seat Of your descending King! 4 The God of glory down to men Removes his blest abode; Men are the objects of his love, And he their gracious God. 5 His own soft hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye; And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, And death itself, shall die. 6 How bright the vision! O, how long Shall this glad hour delay? Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day! Topics: Reward of Saints Used With Tune: ST. PETER
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Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing

Author: Fawcett & Kelly Appears in 1,297 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace; O refresh us, O refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness! 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 While our days on earth are lengthened, May we give them, Lord, to thee; Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, May we run, nor weary be, Till thy glory Without clouds in heaven we see. Topics: Worship Closing Hymns Used With Tune: SICILY
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Lord, how mysterious are thy ways!

Author: Anne Steele Appears in 76 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, how mysterious are thy ways! How blind are we, how mean our praise! Thy steps no mortal eyes explore; 'Tis ours to wonder and adore. 2 I do not ask that I may see What in the future waits for me; Let righteousness attend my days, And thine shall be the humble praise. 3 Are darkness and distress my share? Give me to trust thy guardian care; Enough for me, if love divine At length through every cloud shall shine. 4 Yet this my soul desires to know, Be this my only wish below, That Christ is mine! this great request, Grant, bounteous God, and I am blest. Topics: Worship Attributes and Providence of God Used With Tune: HEBRON
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Is my name written there

Author: M. A. K. Appears in 408 hymnals First Line: Lord, I care not for riches Lyrics: 1 Lord, I care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold; I would make sure of heaven, I would enter the fold; In the book of thy kingdom, With its pages so fair, Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, Is my name written there? Chorus: Is my name written there, On the page white and fair? In the book of thy kingdom, Is my name written there? 2 Lord, my sins they are many, Like the sands of the sea, But thy blood, O my Saviour, Is sufficient for me; For thy promise is written In bright letters that glow, "Tho' your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." [Chorus] 3 Oh, that beautiful city, With its mansions of light, With its glorified beings In pure garments of white; Where no evil thing cometh To despoil what is fair, Where the angels are watching, Is my name written there? [Chorus] Topics: Special Department Bible Songs Used With Tune: IS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE?
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Lord, I was blind: I could not see

Author: W. T. Matson Appears in 32 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, I was blind: I could not see In thy marred visage any grace; But now the beauty of thy face, In radiant vision dawns on me. 2 Lord, I was deaf: I could not hear The thrilling music of thy voice; But now I hear thee and rejoice, And all thy uttered words are dear. 3 Lord, I was dumb: I could not speak The grace and glory of thy name; But now, as touched with living flame, My lips thine eager praises wake. 4 Lord, I was dead: I could not stir My lifeless soul to come to thee; But now, since thou hast quickened me, I rise from sin's dark sepulcher. 5 Lord, thou hast made the blind to see, The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, The dead to live; and lo, I break The chains of my captivity! Topics: The Sinner Repentance and Acceptance Used With Tune: HAPPY DAY
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Lord of the harvest, hear

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 191 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord of the harvest, hear Thy needy servants' cry; Answer our faith's effectual prayer, And all our wants supply. 2 On thee we humbly wait; Our wants are in thy view; The harvest, truly, Lord, is great, The laborers are few. 3 Convert and send forth more, To spread thy truth abroad; And let them speak thy word of power, As workers with their God. 4 O let them spread thy name, Their mission fully prove; Thy universal grace proclaim, Thine all redeeming love. Topics: The Church Ministry and Missions Used With Tune: ST. THOMAS
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Lord! thou hast searched and seen me through

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 327 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord! thou hast searched and seen me through; Thine eye commands with piercing view My rising and my resting hours, My heart and flesh, with all their powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my God distinctly known; He knows the words I mean to speak Ere from my opening lips they break. 3 Within thy circling power I stand; On every side I find thy hand; Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I am surrounded still with God. 4 Amazing knowledge, vast and great! What large extent! what lofty hight! My soul, with all the powers I boast, Is in the boundless prospect lost. 5 O, may these thoughts possess my breast Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there! Topics: Worship Attributes and Providence of God Used With Tune: MILLER
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Lord, we are vile, and full of sin

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 217 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, we are vile, and full of sin, We're born unholy and unclean; Spring from the man whose guilty fall Corrupts his race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath The seeds of sin grow up for death; Thy law demands a perfect heart, But we're defiled in every part. 3 Behold, we fall before thy face; Our only refuge is thy grace: No outward forms can make us clean; The leprosy lies deep within. 4 Nor bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor earthly priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. 5 Jesus, thy blood, thy blood alone, Hath power sufficient to atone; Thy blood can make us white as snow; No other tide can cleanse us so. Topics: The Sinner Christ the Way of Life Used With Tune: WINDHAM
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Lord! when we bend before thy throne

Author: Joseph D. Carlyle Appears in 326 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord! when we bend before thy throne, And our confessions pour, O, may we feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. 2 Our contrite spirits pitying see; True penitence impart; And let a healing ray from thee Beam hope on every heart. 3 When we disclose our wants in prayer, May we our wills resign; Nor let a thought our bosom share Which is not wholly thine. 4 Let faith each meek petition fill, And waft it to the skies; And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still That grants it or denies. Topics: The Christian Unfaithfulness Lamented Used With Tune: BEMERTON


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