Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 146 Lyrics: 1. Praise God; my Soul praise thou the Lord.
2. I'll praise my God, and King,
Thro' all my Life; whilst that I am,
Praise to my God I'll sing.
3. On Princes, who no Help can give,
Nor on Man's Son, rely.
4. His Breath departs, he turns to Earth,
His Thoughts then with him die.
5. O happy Man; who hath the God
Of Jacob for his Aid;
Whose Hope upon the Lord, his God,
Alone, is firmly stay'd.
6. Who made the Heavens, the Earth, and Sea,
With all that they contain;
Who keeps the Truth forever sure
His Promises remain.
7. Who righteous Judgment executes,
For those oppress'd that be;
He gives the Hungry Food, the Lord
Doth set the Pris'ner free.
8. The Lord illuminates the blind;
From burden'd Souls removes
Their heavy Loads, and lifts them up;
The Lord the righteous loves.
9. The Lord saves Strangers, he supports
Widows, and Fatherless;
But up-side down he turns their Ways,
Who wickedly transgress.
10. Jehovah shall forever reign;
Thy God, O Sion, sways.
The Scepter, while all Ages last
O give Jehovah praise.
Praise God, my Soul, praise thou the Lord