Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 1, 2:1-3 Lyrics: Creator God, you made the earth,
A gift beyond comparing!
You called it good, you gave it worth,
You placed it in our caring.
You gave your gift of Sabbath rest,
Your pattern for creation.
You give us times to heal, to bless,
To join in celebration.
You give us Christ, who reconciled
The things of earth and heaven.
In him, you call each one your child!
What wondrous love you've given!
Because we've turned away from you,
This world still needs your healing.
Creation longs to be made new
Through Christ, your love revealing.
God, by your Spirit, may we be
Communities of caring,
That as we're healed, your world may see
The hope that we are sharing. Topics: Covenant/Salvation History; Creation/Earth Day/Environmnet; Sunday/Sabbath Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA
Creator God, You Made the Earth