Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: Deliver me from evil Lyrics: 1 Deliver me from evil;
Preserve me, Lord, from wrong.
Against the foes that gather,
Be Thou my helper strong.
From those who plot to hurt me
And spread their treach'rous snare
Preserve me, Lord, and keep me
Safeguarded in Thy care.
2 O Lord I have confessed Thee
To be my God alone;
O hear my supplication
And be Thy mercy shown;
O God the Lord, my Saviour,
My shield amid the strife,
Let not the wicked triumph
Who plot against my life.
3 Let evil smite the evil
And cause their overthrow,
The needy and afflicted
The Lord will help, I know;
Thy saints, redeemed from evil,
Their thanks to Thee shall give;
The righteous and the upright
Shall in Thy presence live. Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions Prayer in; Afflictions Promises for; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Faith Confidence of; Nature Sinners Typified in; The Poor Remembered by God; Preservation; Retribution Threatened; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of; Temptation; The Wicked Character of; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of; The Wicked Separation from Scripture: Psalm 140 Used With Tune: PETITION
Peril and Prayer