Hymnal: The Psalter #204b (1912) First Line: O God, how good Thou art Lyrics: 1 O God, how good Thou art
To all the pure of heart,
Tho' life seems vain;
Burdened with anxious care,
I groped in dark despair,
Till in Thy house of prayer
All was made plain.
2 Ever, O Lord, with Thee,
All shall be well with me,
Held by Thy hand;
And Thou wilt guide my feet
By Thy own counsel sweet,
Till I, for glory meet,
In glory stand.
3 In earth or heav'n above
Who is there that I love
Compared with Thee?
My heart may faint with fears,
But God my strength appears,
And will to endless years
My portion be.
4 O it is good that I
May still to God draw nigh,
As oft before;
The Lord Jehovah blest,
My refuge and my rest,
Shall be in praise confessed
For evermore. Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Submission under; Aspirations For Heaven; Christ Communion with; Christ The Saviour; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Contentment; Death Comfort In; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; God Our Guide; God Love and Mercy; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Immortality; Judgments On Nations; Love For God; Pilgrim Spirit; Preservation; The Wicked Condemnation of Scripture: Psalm 73 Languages: English Tune Title: LYTE
God Our Only Good