Author: Frederick William Foster, 1760-1835 Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Praise the Lord Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Bounteously He deals with thee,
Highly favored Church of Jesus.
Thee He chose through mercy free
To show forth His matchless praises
And rich fruit, meet for the Master’s use,
To produce, to produce.
2 Gracious Lord, gracious Lord,
Blessed is our lot indeed
In Thy ransomed congregation;
Here we on Thy merits feed,
And the well-springs of salvation,
All the needy to revive and cheer,
Stream forth here, stream forth here.
3 We entreat, we entreat,
Lord, lift up Thy countenance
On Thy ransomed congregation;
Here we on Thy soul dispense,
May we all, each in his station,
Daily in Thy great salvation share.
Hear our prayer, hear our prayer. Topics: The Church's Life and Work Foundation and Nature Used With Tune: HOLY LORD
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord