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William Watkins Reid

1923 - 2007 Person Name: William Watkins Reid, Jr., 1923 - Author of "God of Earth and Planets" in Hymns of the Saints William W. Reid, Jr. (1923-2007), after graduating from Oberlin College and Seminary and Yale Divinity School served for more than fifty years as pastor in the Wyoming Conference in rural and inner-city Methodist churches. He served on the Executive Committee of The Hymn Society of America. He was involved in social issues, serving as a councilman and county commissioner. His hymns are widely published in hymnals of many denominations. Mary Louise VanDyke =============================== William W. Reid, Jr. is pastor of the Methodist Church Circuit at Carverton, Pennsylvania. He previously served in a similar capacity at Camptown in the same State. He is a graduate of the Yale Divinity School and Oberlin College. He served during World War II in the Medical Corps and was held prisoner by the Germans for eight months. He is the author of several hymns including those in "Fourteen New Rural Hymns" and "Twelve New World Order Hymns" published by the Hymn Society. ----Fifteen New Christian Education Hymns, 1959. Used by permission. ================================ William Watkins Reid, Jr., is currently pastor of Central United Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Wyoming Annual Conference and has been active on its Social Concerns, Town and Country, and Evangelism boards, and on the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. ----Twelve New Lord’s Day Hymns, 1968. Used by permission. ================================ [Reid] is an executive committee member of the Hymn Society of America, and is the author of a number of hymns that have been published in hymnals in the United States, Canada, England, and in South Africa. As a council man he is concern with the ecology of Wyoming Valley (Penn. and N.Y.) and with the rebuilding of Wilkes-Barre after the disastrous flood of 1972. --16 New Hymns on the Stewardship of the Environment [Ecology] , 1973. Used by permission.

Thomas J. Potter

1828 - 1873 Person Name: T. J. Potter Author of "Brightly Gleams Our Banner" in The Y.M.C.A. Hymnal Potter, Thomas Joseph, was born at Scarborough in 1827, and joined the Roman Catholic Church in 1847, and subsequently took Holy Orders. For many years he filled the Chair of Pulpit Eloquence and English Literature in the Foreign Missionary College of All Hallows, Dublin. He published The Spoken Word; or, The Art of Extemporary Preaching; Sacred Eloquence, or, The Theory and Practice of Preaching; and The Pastor and his People; together with several tales. He translated the Vesper hymns in the Catholic Psalmist; contributed to the Holy Family Hymns, 1860; and published Legends, Lyrics, and Hymns, 1862. His most widely-known hymn is "Brightly gleams our banner" (q.v.). Several of his hymns and translations are in use in Roman Catholic hymnbooks for Missions and Schools. He died at Dublin in 1873. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Potter, T. J., p. 901, ii., was b. June 9, 1828 (not in 1827), ordained 1857, and died Aug. 31, 1873. The hymn:— O! yet, once more, in Britain's isle [For the Conversion of England], in the Arundel Hymns, 1902, is stanzas 30, 31, 34, 35, 36 of a piece inhis Legends, Lyrics and Hymns, 1862. It is entitled "The Definition of the Immaculate Conception: or England and Rome," and marked as “Written several years ago .. to be spoken at the Feast of Languages, which is annually celebrated in the Propaganda College at Rome, on the Festival of the Epiphany, . . . now published for the first time." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Mary J. Walker

1816 - 1878 Person Name: Mrs. mary Jane Walker Author of "Trusting Jesus" in Songs of Praise with Tunes Walker, Mary Jane, née Deck, daughter of Mr. John Deck, and sister of J. G. Deck, was married in 1848 to Dr. Walker, for sometime Rector of Cheltenham, and editor of Psalms & Hymns for Public and Social Worship, 1855. Several of her hymns appeared as leaflets; others in her husband's Psalms & Hymns, 1855. In that Collection bear her signature "M. J. W." These are:— 1. He came, Whose embassy was peace. Passiontide. 2. I journey through a desert drear and wild. The Journey of Life . 3. Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul. Trust in Jesus. 4. Lord, Thou didst love Jerusalem. Mission to the Jews. 5. 0 God, our Saviour, from Thy birth. Passiontide. 6. 0 joyful tidings let us sing. Sunday School Anniversary. 7. 0 spotless Lamb of God, in Thee. Passiontide. 8. The wanderer no more will roam. Reconciliation with God. 9. We are not left to walk alone. The Holy Spirit as the Divine Guide. Of these hymns Nos. 3 and 5 appeared in the 1864 Appendix to Dr. Walker's Collection, and Nos. 2 and 8 are the most popular. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ibrahim Hourani

1844 - 1916 Person Name: ابراهيم الحوراني Author of "يا مسيح الله يا ابن مريم" in كتاب الترانيم الروحية للكنائس الإنجيلية إبراهيم بن يحيى بن يعقوب بن سليمان بن فرح الغساني الحوراني ولد في مدينة حلب (شمالي سورية) وتوفي في بيروت.

Caroline M. Noel

1817 - 1877 Author of "At the Name of Jesus" in Praise! Our Songs and Hymns Caroline Marie Noel (b. Teston, Kent, England, 1817; d. St. Marylebone, London, England, 1877) The daughter of an Anglican clergyman and hymn writer, she began to write poetry in her late teens but then abandoned it until she was in her forties. During those years she suffered frequent bouts of illness and eventually became an invalid. To encourage both herself and others who were ill or incapacitated, Noel began to write devotional verse again. Her poems were collected in The Name of Jesus and Other Verses for the Sick and Lonely (1861, enlarged in 1870). Bert Polman ================ Noel, Caroline Maria, daughter of the Hon. Gerard T. Noel (p. 809, ii.), and niece of the Hon. Baptist W. Noel, was born in London, April 10, 1817, and died at 39 Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park, Dec. 7, 1877. Her first hymn, "Draw nigh unto my soul" (Indwelling), was written when she was 17. During the next three years she wrote about a dozen pieces: from 20 years of age to 40 she wrote nothing; and during the next 20 years the rest of her pieces were written. The first edition of her compositions was published as The Name of Jesus and Other Verses for the Sick and Lonely, in 1861. This was enlarged from time to time, and its title subsequently changed by the publishers to The Name of Jesus and Other Poems. The 1878 ed. contains 78 pieces. Miss Noel, in common with Miss Charlotte Elliott, was a great sufferer, and many of these verses were the outcome of her days of pain. They are specially adapted "for the Sick and Lonely" and were written rather for private meditation than for public use, although several are suited to the latter purpose. Her best known hymn is the Processional for Ascension Day, "At the Name of Jesus." It is in the enlarged edition of The Name of Jesus, &c, 1870, p. 59, and is dated 1870 by her family. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

S. Childs Clarke

1821 - 1903 Person Name: Rev. S. Childs Clarke Author of "Of thine own we offer" in The Book of Common Praise Clarke, Samuel Childs, M.A., born Jan. 6, 1821, and educated at Queen's College and St Mary Hall, Oxford, graduating B.A., 1844, and M.A. 1846. On taking Holy Orders he became successively Curate of Thorverton, and of Dawlish, Devon ; Vicar of St. Thomas by-Launceston, and Head Master of the Launceston Grammar School, and Vicar of Thorverton, 1875; and Hon. Sec. of the Exeter Board of Education. Mr. Clarke has published some educational works: Thoughts in Verse from a Village Churchman's Note Book, 1848, and Services of Song for Christmas, Passiontide, Ascension, Harvest (S. P. C. K. catalogue), Advent, Eastertide, Missionary, Flower, and Children's Services. These Services of Song have been sanctioned for use in churches by the Bishops of Exeter and Salisbury. Mr. Clarke's hymns include:— 1. All hail, all hail to the natal day. Christmas. Contributed to the Parish Church Hymnal. 2. Framer of the light. Morning. In the Parish Church Hymnal, and Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 3. Great Giver of all good, to Thee again. Harvest. This is the best known of our author's hymns. It was first printed in the Musical Times, 1863, with music by Barnby. In 1808 it was included in the Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms & Hymns, in 1872 in the Hymnary, and again in many other collections. 4. In all Thou didst while here on earth. St. Thomas. ln Mrs. Brock's Children’s Hymn Book, 1881. 5. In humble adoration. Laying of the Foundation-stone of a Church. In Harland's Supplement to Church Psalter and Hymnal, 1876. 6. Jesus, on this blessed morn. Christmas. In the Parish Church Hymnal. 7. Lord, most holy, God most mighty. For travellers and absent ones. In the Home Hymn Book, 1885, by H. P. Hawkins. 8. Lord of the new creation. Sunday Morning. In the Parish Ch. Hymnal. 9. Now a new year opens. The New Fear. In Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881, and one or two American collections. 10. 0 dark and dreary day. Good Friday. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal; Mrs. Brock's Children's H. Book. 11. 0 Lord, it is a joyful thing. Evening. In the Parish Church Hymnal, &c. 12. 0 Thou who dwellest in eternity. Festival. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal. 1876. 13. Once more the sheaves are gathered. Harvest. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal, the author's Harvest-tide Service of Song, &c, 1876. 14. Thou who through shades of night. Evening. In the Parish Church Hymnal, &c. In addition to these hymns, most of those given in Mr. Clarke's Services of Song are his composition, as are also the 19 in his Services for Children. Lond., Pitman, n.d. Some of these are initialled "S.C.C." Taken as a whole these hymns are a good addition to the common store for Special Occasions, and should be consulted by hymn-book compilers. He died Feb. 22, 1903. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================= Clarke, S. C, p. 285, ii. Other hymns are:— 1. From the priceless harvest. Harvest. In the Supplemental Hymns to Harland's Church Psalter and Hymnal, 1876. 2. 0 God, Thou didst inspire in ancient days. Unveiling a Memorial Window. Written for the Unveiling of a Memorial Window in Thorverton Church, Devon, on Aug. 25, 1889, and printed with the prayers used on that occasion. 3. To Zion's stately pile. Processional. Written for the London Gregorian Choral Association, and sung at the Festival in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, June 6, 1889. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ===================== Clarke, S. C, pp. 235, ii.; 1556, ii. In addition to the hymns by Mr. Clarke already noted in this Dictionary, the following have come into common use during the past few years:— 1. All blessing, honour, glory, might. [Processional.] This hymn, based upon Rev. v. and viii., to music by Mendelssohn, was written in 1892, and published with Mendelssohn's music, adapted thereto for congregational use by Sir J. Stainer. The printed sheet is dated "Thorverton Vicarage, Devon, January 31st, A.D. 1893." It was sung at Norwich Cathedral in 1894, and later at other choir festivals. Included in the author's Festival and other Hymns, 1896, and C. W. A. Brooke's Additional Hymns, 1903. 2. Amid the ceaseless strife. [St. George.] First published in Additional Hymns, 1903, to music by Sir J. Stainer. 3. Gracious Lord of all creation. From his Spring and Summertide: A Service of Sacred Song, into (Brooke's) Add. Hymns, 1903." In Festival and other Hymns, 1896. 4. Lord of all creation. [Offertory.] The note on this hymn is: "Written originally at the request of the Reverend Canon Hervey, and sung at the re-opening of Sandringham Church, after restoration by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales." It was sung at the Choral Festivals at St. Paul's Cathedral, 1893; Norwich and Truro, 1894; Ely, 1895, and others. In Festival and other Hymns, 1896, and Add. Hymns, 1903. 5. Lord of power and might, the Giver. [Church Lads' Brigade.] From his Festival and other Hymns, 1896; into Add. Hymns, 1903. 6. Once more an end of gloom. [Service.] Included in Add. Hymns1903. An extensive collection of Mr. Clarke's hymns, together with original tunes, is in the Church House Library, Westminster. Mr. Clarke died at Penzance, Feb. 22, 1903. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Frances Bent Dillingham

1869 - 1942 Person Name: Francis Bent Dillingham Author of "All the happy children" in The Hymnary of the United Church of Canada Born: No­vem­ber 17, 1869, Chel­sea, Mass­a­chu­setts. Died: Oc­to­ber 3, 1942, Mass­a­chu­setts. Dillingham was ed­u­cat­ed at Bos­ton Un­i­ver­si­ty (AB 1891). In 1915, she was liv­ing in Au­burn­dale, Mass­a­chu­setts. Her works in­clude: A Proud Lit­tle Bax­ter (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Pil­grim Press, 1898) A Christ­mas Tree Schol­ar and Other Stor­ies (New York: Tho­mas Y. Crow­ell, 1900) "A Bri­dal Mem­o­ry," Scrib­ner’s Mag­a­zine, March 1902 "A Night of Storm," Wo­man’s Mag­a­zine, Au­gust 1904 "The Mu­sic Les­son," Les­lie’s Month­ly Mag­a­zine, Jan­u­a­ry 1905 "The Force of Ex­am­ple," Mc­Clure’s Mag­a­zine, Feb­ru­a­ry 1908 "Mother’s Nap," The Cen­tu­ry Mag­a­zine, No­vem­ber 1908, pp. 156-57 "The Sis­ter," New Eng­land Mag­a­zine, No­vem­ber/De­cem­ber 1910 "The Sis­ters: Book II," New Eng­land Mag­a­zine, Ju­ly/Au­gust 1911 Jim’s Aunt, 1927

George P. Simmonds

1890 - 1991 Person Name: Geo. P. Simmonds Translator of "Beinvenido el Día" in El Himnario Used pseudonyms G Paul S., J. Paul Simon, and J. Pablo Símon

Henry Alford

1810 - 1871 Author of "Far o'er yon horizon" in Common Praise Alford, Henry, D.D., son of  the Rev. Henry Alford, Rector of Aston Sandford, b. at 25 Alfred Place, Bedford Row, London, Oct. 7, 1810, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating in honours, in 1832. In 1833 he was ordained to the Curacy of Ampton. Subsequently he held the Vicarage of Wymeswold, 1835-1853,--the Incumbency of Quebec Chapel, London, 1853-1857; and the Deanery of Canterbury, 1857 to his death, which took. place  at  Canterbury, Jan. 12, 1871.  In addition he held several important appointments, including that of a Fellow of Trinity, and the Hulsean Lectureship, 1841-2. His literary labours extended to every department of literature, but his noblest undertaking was his edition of the Greek Testament, the result of 20 years' labour.    His hymnological and poetical works, given below, were numerous, and included the compiling of collections, the composition of original hymns, and translations from other languages.    As a hymn-writer he added little to his literary reputation. The rhythm of his hymns is musical, but the poetry is neither striking, nor the thought original.   They are evangelical in their teaching,   but somewhat cold  and  conventional. They vary greatly in merit, the most popular being "Come, ye thankful  people, come," "In token that thou  shalt  not fear," and "Forward be our watchword." His collections, the Psalms and Hymns of 1844, and the Year of Praise, 1867, have not achieved a marked success.  His poetical and hymnological works include— (1) Hymns in the Christian Observer and the Christian Guardian, 1830. (2) Poems and Poetical Fragments (no name), Cambridge, J.   J.  Deighton, 1833.  (3) The School of the Heart, and other Poems, Cambridge, Pitt Press, 1835. (4) Hymns for the Sundays and Festivals throughout the Year, &c.,Lond., Longman ft Co., 1836. (5) Psalms and Hymns, adapted for the Sundays and Holidays throughout the year, &c, Lond., Rivington, 1844. (6) Poetical Works, 2 vols., Lond., Rivington, 1845. (7) Select Poetical Works, London, Rivington, 1851. (8) An American ed. of his Poems, Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Field, 1853(9) Passing away, and Life's Answer, poems in Macmillan's Magazine, 1863. (10) Evening Hexameters, in Good Words, 1864. (11) On Church Hymn Books, in the Contemporary Review, 1866. (12) Year of Praise, London, A. Strahan, 1867. (13) Poetical Works, 1868. (14) The Lord's Prayer, 1869. (15) Prose Hymns, 1844. (16) Abbot of Muchelnaye, 1841. (17) Hymns in British Magazine, 1832.   (18) A translation of Cantemus cuncti, q.v. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Alford, Henry, p. 39, ii. The following additional hymns by Dean Alford are in common use:— 1. Herald in the wilderness. St. John Baptist. (1867.) 2. Let the Church of God rejoice. SS. Simon and Jude. (1844, but not in his Psalms & Hymns of that year.) 3. Not in anything we do. Sexagesima. (1867.) 4. O Thou at Whose divine command. Sexagesima. (1844.) 5. 0 why on death so bent? Lent. (1867.) 6. Of all the honours man may wear. St. Andrew's Day. (1867.) 7. Our year of grace is wearing to a close. Close of the Year. (1867.) 8. Saviour, Thy Father's promise send. Whit-sunday. (1844.) 9. Since we kept the Saviour's birth. 1st Sunday after Trinity. (1867.) 10. Thou that art the Father's Word. Epiphany. (1844.) 11. Thou who on that wondrous journey. Quinquagesima. (1867.) 12. Through Israel's coasts in times of old. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. (1867.) 13. Thy blood, O Christ, hath made our peace. Circumcision . (1814.) 14. When in the Lord Jehovah's name. For Sunday Schools. (1844.) All these hymns are in Dean Alford's Year of Praise, 1867, and the dates are those of their earliest publication, so far as we have been able to trace the same. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Julian

1839 - 1913 Author of "Hark! the voice eternal" in Hymns of the Church Born: Jan­u­a­ry 27, 1839, St. Ag­nes, Corn­wall. Died: Jan­u­a­ry 22, 1913, Thirsk, York­shire, Eng­land. Educated pri­vate­ly, Ju­li­an grad­u­at­ed from Dur­ham Un­i­ver­si­ty (MA 1887), Lam­beth (DD 1894), and How­ard Un­i­ver­si­ty in Wash­ing­ton, DC (LLD 1894). He took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1866, and served as Vi­car of Win­co­bank (1876-1905) and Vi­car of Top­cliff, York­shire (1905-). How­ev­er, he is best known as a hymn­ol­o­gist. The stand­ard ref­er­ence work in this field is his ma­ssive Dic­tion­ary of Hym­nol­o­gy: Or­i­gin and His­to­ry of Chris­tian Hymns and Hymn­writ­ers of All Ag­es and Na­tions, To­ge­ther with Bi­o­graph­ic­al and Cri­ti­cal No­tices of Their Au­thors and Trans­lat­ors. This work has been re­vised and re­print­ed sev­er­al times; its pub­li­ca­tion dates in­clude: -- London: J. Murray, 1892 -- London: J. Murray, 1908 (this may be the edi­tion re­vised by James Mearns (1855-1922), Vi­car of Rush­den, Hert­ford­shire) --Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan: Kre­gel Pub­li­ca­tions, 1985 His other works in­clude: Concerning Hymns, 1874 History of the Use of Hymns in Pub­lic Wor­ship, and Their Pro­per Char­ac­ter­is­tics, 1894 Carols, An­cient and Mo­dern, 1900 Julian do­nat­ed his large col­lect­ion of hym­no­lo­gi­cal books and man­u­scripts to the Church House, Dean’s Yard, Lon­don, where it formed the hym­no­lo­gi­cal de­part­ment of the li­bra­ry.


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