Author: Thomas MacKellar Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1. O the darkness, O the sorrow,
O the misery of sin!
When will dawn the promised morrow
That shall bring deliverance in?
2. One there was ordained to languish,
Guiltless, in Gethsemane;
One there was who died in anguish
Innocent, on Calvary.
3. Jesus was the burden bearer,
God’s own Son the sacrifice;
Of the griefs of man the sharer,
Of his soul the ransom price.
4. ’Tis the Christ, the ever-living,
Ever-loving, ever-blest,
By the Comforter still giving
Pardon, holiness, and rest.
5. Can the love so freely given,
Can the blood so freely shed,
Fail to draw the earth to Heaven,
Fail to bring alive its dead?
6. Rise, O children of the Father,
Stand, ye brothers of the Son,
In unyielding ranks together
Till the crown of Christ be won;
7. Till the lands of sin and sorrow,
Darker than the ancient night,
Shall behold the promised morrow
Beam on them with saving light. Used With Tune: CROSS OF JESUS (Stainer)
O the Darkness, O the Sorrow