Hymnal: The Christian's Duty #S.XV (1801) First Line: Now shall our Hearts with Pleasure raise Lyrics: 1 Now shall our hearts with pleasure raise
To our dear Lord a Song of Praise;
We'll sing his Love, his Goodness tell,
Our Saviour hath done all things well.
2 With pitying eyes he view'd our Case,
And came to save our ruin'd race;
He conquer'd Sin, and Death, and Hell;
Our Jesus hath done all Things well.
3 He undertook to bear our Load,
And bring us back again to God;
To fit us with himself to dwell;
Christ Jesus hath done all Things well.
4 He will accomplish his design,
And all Things in himself combine,
No more shall ever they rebel;
Our Jesus will do all Things well.
5 His Work how great! his Plan how Vast!
But when it all appears at last,
It will our highest Praise excel,
For Jesus will do all things well.
6 When the Creation is restor'd,
And God shall be by all ador'd,
How loudly will the triumph swell;
Our Jesus hath done all things well!
7 Sin, Death, and Hell, will Christ destroy,
And fill the Universe with Joy;
His Love shall then each Voice compel
To cry, "He hath done all Things well."
8 All Creatures then as One shall join,
To shout aloud his Praise divine!
(As sacred prophecies foretell)
And say, "he hath done all Things well." Languages: English
He hath done all Things well