Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CXCIX (1791) First Line: Now let our Pains be all forgot Lyrics: 1 Now let our Pains be all forgot,
Our Hearts no more repine;
Our Suff'rings are not worth a Thought,
When, Lord, compar'd with thine.
2 In lively Figures here we see
The bleeding Prince of Love;
Each of us Hope, he dy'd for me,
And then our Griefs remove.
[3 Our humble Faith here takes her rise,
While sitting round his Board;
And back to Calvary she flies,
To view her groaning Lord.
4 His Soul, what Agonies it felt
When his own God withdrew;
And the large Load of all our Guilt
Lay heavy on him too.
5 But the Divinity within
Supported him to bear:
Dying, he conquer'd Hell and sin,
And made his Triumph there.]
6 Grace, Wisdom, Justice, join'd and wrought
The Wonders of that Day!
No Mortal Tongue, nor Mortal Thought,
Can equal Thanks repay.
7 Our Hymns should sound like those above,
Could we our voices raise;
Yet, Lord, our Hearts shall all be Love,
And all our Lives be Praise. Topics: Passion of Christ Languages: English
The Agonies of Christ