Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 91 Lyrics: 1 He that has God his Guardian made,
Shall, under the Almighty's Shade
Secure and undisturb'd abide.
2 Thus to my Soul of Him I'll say,
He is my Fortress and my Stay,
My God in whom I will confide.
3 His tender Love and watchful Care
Shall free thee from the Fowler's Snare,
And from the noisome Pestilence:
4 He over thee his Wings shall spread,
And cover thy unguarded Head;
His Truth shall be thy strong Defence.
5 No Terrors that surprize by Night,
Shall thy undaunted courage fright,
Nor deadly Shafts that fly by Day;
6 Nor Plague, of unknown Rise, that kills
In Darkness, nor infectious Ills
That in the hottest Season slay.
7 A Thousand at thy side shall die,
At thy right hand ten thousand lie,
While thy firm Health untouch'd remains:
8 Thou only shalt look on and see
The Wicked's sad Catastrophe,
And count the sinner's mournful Gains.
9 Because (with well-plac'd Confidence)
Thou mak'st the Lord thy sure Defence,
And on the Highest do'st rely;
10 Therefore no Ill shall thee befal,
Nor to thy healthful Dwelling shall
Any infectious Plague draw nigh.
11 For he throughout thy happy Days,
To keep thee safe in all thy Ways,
Shall give his Angels strict Commands;
12 And they, lest thou should'st chance to meet
With some rough Stone to wound thy Feet,
Shall bear thee safely in their Hands.
13 Dragons and Asps that thirst for Blood,
And Lions roaring for their Food,
Beneath his conqu'ring Feet shall lie.
14 Because he lov'd and honour'd me,
Therefore (says God) I'll set him free,
And fix his glorious Throne on high.
15 He'll call; I'll answer when he calls,
And rescue him when Ill befals;
Increase his Honour and his Wealth:
16 And when, with undistrub'd Content,
His long and happy Life is spent,
His End I'll crown with saving Health.
He that has God his Guardian made