Hymnal: The Psalter #144 (1912) Meter: First Line: O God, the God that saveth me Lyrics: 1 O God, the God that saveth me,
Remove my guilty stains,
And I will sing thy righteousness
In grateful, joyous strains.
2 O Lord, now open Thou my lips,
Long closed by sin and shame;
My mouth shall show before the world
The glory of Thy Name.
3 No sacrifice dost thou desire,
Else would I give it Thee;
Now with appointed offerings
Wilt Thou delighted be.
4 A broken spirit is to God
A pleasing sacrifice;
A broken and a contrite heart
Thou, Lord, wilt not despise.
5 Do good to Zion in thy grace,
Her ruined walls restore;
Then sacrifice of righteousness
Shall please Thee as of yore.
6 Thy people then with willing hands
And hearts that Thou hast blessed
Shall bring in thankful sacrifice
Their choicest gifts and best. Topics: Christian Activity; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Assurance Desired; Christ Confessing; Christians Debt of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Preaching of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Restoring; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Holiness Of Christians; Humility; Mercy of God Prayer for; Offerings; Pardon Sought; Penitence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Intercession in; Repentance; Revival; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Confession of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving For God's Mercies; Worship Acts of; Worship Sincerity in; Zion Kept by God Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English Tune Title: COOLING
Pardon and Testimony