Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #XXVIb (1758) First Line: 'Tis finish'd, the Redeemer crys Lyrics: 1 'Tis finish'd, the Redeemer crys,
Then lowly bows his fainting Head,
And soon th' expiring Sacrifice
Sinks to the Regions of the Dead.
'Tis done--the mighty Work is done!
For Men and Angels much too great;
Which none, but God's eternal Son,
Or would attempt, or could complete.
2 'Tis done,--his Tears, his Groans, and wounds,
His Sweat and Blood, his Pains and toils,
Vict'ry with deathless Glory crowns
With Trophies, and triumphant Spoils.
The conqu'ror falls a Sacrifice,
Heav'n's just Resentments to appease;
Justice with mercy now complys,
Both with the Sinner's Pardon pleas'd.
3 Once he was dead; now lives and reigns
Where Angels his great Deeds proclaim:
Let's tell our Joys in pious Strains,
And spread the Glory of his Name.
Languages: English
CHRIST finishing his Purchase of Redemption