Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCLXX (1791) First Line: That Man no Guard or Weapon needs Lyrics: 1 That Man no Guard or Weapon needs,
Whose Heart the Blood of Jesus knows;
But safe may pass, if duty leads,
Thro' burning Sands or Mountain Snows.
2 Releas'd from Guilt he feels no Fear,
Redemption is his Shield and Tow'r;
He sees his Saviour always near
To help in ev'ry trying Hour.
3 Tho' I am weak, and Satan strong,
And often to Assault me tries;
When Jesus is my Shield and Song,
Abash'd the Wolf before me flies.
4 His Love possessing, I am blest,
Secure whatever Change may come;
Whither I go to East or West,
With him I still shall be at Home.
5 If plac'd beneath the Northern Pole,
Tho' Winter reigns with Vigor there;
His gracious Beams would cheer my Soul,
And make a Spring throughout the Year.
6 Or if the Desart's Sun-burnt Soil,
My lonely Dwelling e'er should prove,
His Presence would support my Toil,
Whose smile is Life, whose Voice is Love.
Topics: Resignation to Providence Languages: English
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