Hymnal: The New Sabbath School Hosanna #135b (1870) Lyrics: 1 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul,
His grace to thee proclaim;
And all that is within me, join
To bless his holy name!
2 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul,
His mercies bear in mind;
Forget not all his benefits,
Who is to thee so kind.
3 He pardons all thy sins,
Prolongs thy feeble breath;
He healeth thine infirmities,
And ransoms thee from death.
4 He feeds thee with his love,
Upholds thee with his truth;
And, like the eagles, he renews
The vigor of thy youth.
5 Then bless the Lord, my soul,
His grace, his love, proclaim!
Let all that is within me join
To bless his holy name.
Tune Title: SHIRLAND
Oh, bless the Lord, my soul